NHMRC produces impact case studies to demonstrate its contribution to raising the standard of individual and public health throughout Australia.
Each case study is developed in partnership with one or more Australian research organisations and other bodies.
These case studies demonstrate that outcomes and impact can take many years, and the combined work of many people and organisations, to generate. Through documenting research translation journeys they show that the creation of knowledge is vital, but also that there are many other activities necessary to generate impact.
See also Guidelines for producing NHMRC case studies.
NHMRC impact case studies
- Helping premature babies breathe - 27 February
- Better treatment for glaucoma - 12 February
- Establishing kidney transplantation - 13 January
- Preterm births and omega-3 - 21 November
- A foundation for neuroscience - 23 October
- Screening to prevent bowel cancer - 20 August
- A vaccine for chikungunya virus– 19 August
- New treatments for leukaemia - 1 August
- Improving stroke outcomes – 1 August
- Improving outcomes in childhood leukaemia – 24 May
- Rotavirus: discovery and vaccines – 26 February
- Rhesus immunisation in Australia – 30 January
- Discovering Ross River virus – 4 October
- Phage typing and infection control – 4 October
- Treating chronic childhood cough – 23 August
- Health and the built environment – 16 August
- Airborne pollen and respiratory allergies – 3 August
- GARDASIL® – the HPV vaccine – 26 May
- At-home pulmonary rehabilitation – 1 May
- Protecting against hepatitis – 8 February
- Insulin resistance, insulin action – 7 November
- Breathing easier during sleep – 4 November
- Two types of diabetes – 27 October
- Safer birthing for First Nations families – 1 July
- Improving insulin delivery – 1 July
- The cochlear implant restores hearing – 4 May
- Improving Fertility – 11 April
- MoodGYM – 8 April
- A safer infant sleeping position – 17 March
- Saving blood, saving lives – 24 December
- A revolution in protein sequencing – 17 December
- Personalised Immunology – 24 September
- Reducing speed, improving safety – 20 August
- Helping GPs care for our mental health – 30 July
- Indigenous children's oral health – 16 July
- Medical ultrasound – 9 July
- Health and national food standards – 17 May
- Rubella and pregnancy – 13 May
- Influenza pandemics and their control – 27 April
- Folate and healthy babies – 8 January
- Improving Health Outcomes in the Tropical North – 6 January
- Australian antivenom saving lives – 20 November
- Autism Assessment and Diagnosis Guideline – 16 October
- Tuberculosis control in the South-East Asian region – 26 August
- Mothers' and their Children's Health (MatCH) – 26 June
- Women's Reproductive Health (InterLACE) – 26 June
- History of tuberculosis control in Australia – 7 April
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – 25 February
- Severe Asthma: Mepolizumab – 28 November
- Neurodegenerative disease and metals – 27 November
- SMARThealth – 18 July
- Pharmaxis – 8 April
- The TRIUMPH study – 28 March
- Aridol and Bronchitol – 16 December
- Picato gel – 16 December
If you have any comments or suggestions, would like to be kept informed when new case studies are published, or would like to discuss partnering with NHMRC to document your organisation's work as an NHMRC case study, then let us know.
You can contact the Impact Case Studies team at evaluation@nhmrc.gov.au
- These impact case studies are not intended to be used as a template to guide the development of case studies for inclusion within NHMRC grant applications. Please follow the instructions within the relevant grant guidelines when applying for an NHMRC grant.
- NHMRC does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. The views and opinions expressed within NHMRC case studies are not necessarily those of the Australian Government. The case studies are not to be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
- All content and media in the Impact Case Studies is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. NHMRC does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage caused by the use of, or reliance on the information provided in our website. The information may include the views or recommendations of third parties and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.