The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
NHMRC has responsibility for monitoring compliance and investigating potential non-compliance with the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (RIHE Act) and the Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2002 (PHCR Act).
If you suspect someone is not complying with their responsibilities under the RIHE Act or the PHCR Act, we want to hear from you. NHMRC uses public information to identify potential breaches of the legislation.
You can e-mail using the electronic form on the NHMRC website or post your report of suspected non-compliance to NHMRC. You can also call our team on 02 6217 9000 to make inquiries about non-compliance. Our postal address is:
The Director
Research Quality and Equity
GPO Box 1421
Our email address is
While you can make an anonymous allegation, it may limit our ability to investigate your concerns. Information such as your name and contact details may be essential for the investigation of allegations of non-compliant activity. Any information concerning alleged non-compliant conduct with the RIHE Act or the PHCR Act will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Use the linked form to assist with preparation of information needed by the NHMRC to assess your allegation of non-compliance regarding the legislation. None of the fields are mandatory, but we appreciate as much information as you can provide.
Do not attempt to investigate the matter or gather evidence yourself. You may break the law by doing so, or you may make the evidence inadmissible in a court of law.
Form for allegations of non-compliance
- Go to the Allegation of non-compliance form - see 'Download' section