The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
NHMRC staff are employed under the Public Service Act 1999. All APS employees are required to uphold the APS Values, Employment Principles and APS Code of Conduct.
NHMRC is an independent agency within the Health and Ageing portfolio. View more information on the NHMRC structure.
Our employment conditions are outlined in the NHMRC Enterprise Agreement.
Conditions of engagement
Australian citizenship
To be eligible for engagement NHMRC requires that you are an Australian citizen, as detailed in the Public Service Act 1999.
NHMRC employees are subject to a probationary period of 6 months. This period enables your manager to assess your suitability for employment in regard to conduct and work performance. It also allows time for you to decide if NHMRC is the right workplace for you.
Employment suitability
Engagement is subject to a satisfactory character check and the provision of evidence to confirm your identity. NHMRC may also require you to undergo a security clearance.
Health assessment
Your ongoing engagement may be subject to the condition that you are fit to perform the duties of your position, taking into account any reasonable adjustments required to accommodate any pre-existing condition or disability. See the Workplace adjustment policy below.
New employees of NHMRC (regardless of previous employment in the APS), who are ongoing or non-ongoing (engaged on a six month or longer contract) are required to complete a pre-existing medical condition declaration. If a pre-existing medical condition is declared, there may be a requirement to undergo a medical assessment as authorised under the Public Service Regulations 2023, section 11. NHMRC has a duty of care to not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons. Employees will not be discriminated against due to health conditions or disabilities provided they are fit for the duties they are employed to perform.
Restrictions on employment following redundancy
There are arrangements applying in the APS which limit the subsequent employment of people who have received a redundancy benefit. The circumstances where the restrictions apply are set out in section 66 of the Australian Public Service Commissioners Directions 2022.
For further information refer to our Conditions of Engagement Policy.
Benefits of working for the NHMRC
Safe and healthy workplace
NHMRC is committed to providing a safe, healthy and fair workplace free from discrimination and harassment. NHMRC employees are encouraged to maintain good health and active lifestyles. To support this, the agency provides:
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides access to counselling services for staff to assist with work or personal issues
- Mental health support
- A strong commitment to Work Health and Safety programs such as annual influenza vaccinations and workstation assessments.
Everyone who visits our office must comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (including the Regulations and Codes of Practice). This includes our employees, contractors, recruitment providers and visitors.
For further information see our Statement of Commitment to Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
Work life balance
NHMRC supports arrangements for flexible work arrangements including:
- Access to flextime for APS1- 6 staff and time-in-lieu arrangements available for EL staff upon negotiation with their manager
- Flexible working arrangements for staff
- Negotiable part time working hours
- Carer’s room available for staff who need to take care of immediate family members in an emergency.
As of March 2019, NHMRC is an accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace (BFW) with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA). Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Accreditation is awarded by the ABA to organisations that provide simple criteria to support their breastfeeding employees in the workforce, so that they can meet both their work and family commitments. Find more information on Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
Diversity and inclusion
NHMRC is committed to integrating diversity and inclusion into the way we work and how we do business. We aim to do this by providing a flexible and fair work environment, in which staff can flourish and where differences between employees are respected and viewed as an organisational asset. NHMRC will continue to implement and promote the agency’s workplace diversity program.
The agency has appointed members of the Senior Executive Service to the roles of Diversity Champion and Indigenous Champion as a focus for progressing action on diversity issues.
- Strategic Workforce Plan 2016–2019
- Workforce Diversity program 2017–2019
- Reconciliation Action Plan 2022–24
- Membership with Australian Network on Disability
NHMRC participates in the Australian Public Service (APS) RecruitAbility Scheme. The scheme supports the employment of people with disability in the APS by giving them a better opportunity to put forward their skills and experience during the selection process.
Applicants who declare that they have disability, opt into the scheme and demonstrate that they meet the minimum requirements for the position, are often progressed to further assessment stages.
It is important to note that NHMRC’s application process does not require a statement of claims against selection criteria. This means it is easier to apply for our roles.
Learning and development
Professional development opportunities include:
- On-the-job training
- E-learning courses
- Internal assignments
- Secondment opportunities
- Mentoring and coaching
- Study leave for approved external studies
NHMRC Staff Census
Find information on NHMRC’s Employee Census results.