The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
We issue guidelines to support high-quality clinical and research practice. We also help other researchers and clinicians to develop guidelines in their areas of expertise.
NHMRC supports the development and approval of high quality guidelines for clinical practice, public health, environmental health and ethics through its policies, advice and legislation.
2016 NHMRC Standards for Guidelines
NHMRC’s 2016 Standards for Guidelines align Australia’s standards for guidelines with international best practice.
They are applicable to all guidelines containing recommendations for clinical practice, public health and environmental health.
NHMRC’s Guideline Approval Program
The National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 gives the NHMRC Chief Executive Officer the power to approve guidelines developed by an external body. These are known as NHMRC approved guidelines.
To be approved, a guideline must meet the NHMRC guideline standard and follow the Procedures and requirements for meeting the NHMRC standard for guidelines.
NHMRC approved guidelines:
- indicate to users that a guideline is of high quality, is based on the best available scientific evidence, and has been developed to rigorous standards.
- are recognised in Australia and internationally as representing current knowledge and best health practice.
Guidelines that can qualify for NHMRC approval
Guidelines are eligible for approval if they are developed for use throughout Australia by a recognised health organisation such as a college, peak body, professional society, special interest group or government. NHMRC will not approve guidelines developed, published or funded by industry groups, or by organisations whose main source of funding is derived from industry groups.
If you are planning an evidence-based guideline contact NHMRC has a nationwide network of guideline developers which can offer support, training and advice.
NHMRC issues clinical practice, public health, environmental health and ethics guidelines.
Resources for guideline developers
NHMRC has a variety of resources for guideline developers.
Clinical Practice Guidelines in Development Register
The Guidelines Register is the place for Australian guideline developers to share information about their guidelines in development.
Guideline activity in Australia
NHMRC monitors guideline activity in Australia and describes trends in important quality indicators.