The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
Latest news and stories

NHMRC Investigator Grants sets the standard for gender equity
It is an inspiring time for health and medical research in Australia as the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) sets the standard for achieving gender equity through its largest grant scheme, Investigator Grants.

Improving fertility treatment through innovation
Professor Robert Gilchrist is a part of a bench-to-bedside research success story, innovating existing infertility treatments to offer a less invasive and cheaper alternative to in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Mentors inspire an Indigenous research career with impact
Professor Cath Chamberlain, a Palawa woman of the Trawlwoolway clan (Tasmania), received an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship in 2014 to find culturally safe ways to improve cardiometabolic health outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers.

Driving change in aged care pharmacy practices through data
Having practised as a hospital pharmacist by day and a residential aged care pharmacist by night, Dr Lisa Pont naturally began to think about how pharmacists could work differently as part of her research.

Achieving gender equity and diversity through research grant programs
In its first year, the National Health and Medical Research Council's (NHMRC) new gender equity initiative has led to women receiving more overall funding than men in its Investigator Grant scheme.

$379 million investment into advancing gender equity in health and medical research
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is investing $379 million to support 216 emerging and established leaders in health and medical research across Australia to tackle the nation’s greatest health challenges as announced today by the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP.

Investigating clinical solutions to improve ADHD treatments
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is investing $5.2 million for research focused on improving clinical treatments to better understand the cognitive mechanisms of decision-making for individuals living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Investigating strategies to reduce the use and harms associated with vaping
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is investing $2.2 million for research focused on strategies to reduce the use and harms associated with vaping and the use of e-cigarettes in Australia.

Investigating mental health treatment and prevention in Australia
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is investing $7.8 million for research into developing effective resources, evidence-based treatments and patient-centred models of care to improve mental health in Australia.

A $268 million investment to support innovative research projects
Two hundred and thirty-two exceptional health and medical research projects will share in $268 million through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Ideas Grant scheme announced today by the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP.

$15 million investment to expedite the translation of health and medical research into commercial outcomes
14 projects will share $15 million in grant funding to support the translation of proof-of-concept research into commercial outcomes through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Development Grant scheme.

Over $13 million for international research collaborations in human health
15 expert teams will share in over $13 million of funding administered by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to undertake research with international collaborators that addresses urgent global health challenges.

Enhancing future pain treatments using venoms
Professor Richard Lewis and his team from the Institute of Molecular Bioscience at University of Queensland made a notable discovery early in their research after a lab assistant observed one could milk cone snails for venom much more quickly if you gave them 'a poke or two'.

Delivering a legacy of culturally safe maternity care
Professor Rhonda Marriott AM, a descendant of Nyikina people of the Kimberley, has devoted five decades to nursing and midwifery in clinical, academic and research roles.

Over $9 million invested to support NHMRC Postgraduate Scholars
Sixty outstanding health and medical graduates in their chosen fields will share in $9.8 million of grant funding to support their early research careers under the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Postgraduate Scholarship scheme.

10 of the Best: Harnessing the power of science to understand and defeat today’s health challenges
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released the 14th edition of its '10 of the Best' publication featuring the outcomes of some of the outstanding research that has been funded under NHMRC’s grant program.

Dr Alastair Stewart recognised for outstanding achievement in health and medical research
Doctor Alastair Stewart of Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute is a leading researcher for major antimicrobial drug development and subsequently has taken home the 2023 Commonwealth Health Minister’s Award for Excellence in Health and Medical Research.

Breakthrough for childhood brain cancer treatment
The Australian Government has announced over $700,000 in funding to support Dr Fatima Valdes Mora and a team from the University of New South Wales to develop a new treatment that targets diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).

$50 million boost to research for health problems
The Albanese Government is investing $50 million in innovative research teams to address a range of health problems like prostate cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and chronic pain.

$5 million to achieve equity in cancer screening for First Nations People
Research into improving First Nations health and wellbeing by achieving equity across cancer screenings is one of ten projects sharing in over $50 million in NHMRC Synergy Grant funding.

Prostate cancer research to receive $5 million with new CAR T-cell therapy
Research aiming to advance immunotherapy treatments for Australians diagnosed with prostate cancer is one of ten research collaborations sharing in over $50 million in NHMRC Synergy Grant funding.

Research Excellence: Supporting healing and recovery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Dr Graham Gee is an Aboriginal-Chinese man, also with Celtic heritage, originally from Darwin. His Aboriginal-Chinese grandfather was born near Belyuen on Larrakia Country. Dr Gee is a clinical psychologist and has worked at the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service for 11 years before taking up a research position at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. His early career research focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, resilience and complex trauma. In 2022, Dr Gee commenced working in partnership with several Victorian Aboriginal services dedicated to healing child sexual abuse. Read more to find out more about Dr Gee’s research, in his own words.

Research Excellence: Microelectrode recordings from the vagus nerve in awake humans
Professor Vaughan Macefield is the Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Neuroscience at Monash University. Professor Macefield specialises in recording from single nerve fibres via microelectrodes inserted into the peripheral nerves of awake human participants. He is best known for developing the methodology for recording the firing properties of single, type-identified, sympathetic neurones supplying muscle and skin, and for developing the methodology for recording muscle sympathetic nerve activity at the same time as performing functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Read on to find out more about Professor Macefield's research, in his own words.

Tackling health challenges of the present and the future
As an infectious disease physician and researcher in HIV, vaccine development and the impact of the microbiome on human health, Professor Wesselingh brings a wealth of medical experience, clinical leadership as well as national and international success to this role.

Over $5 million for research to improve physical health of people living with mental illness
Three research teams will share in over $5.1 million in targeted funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to investigate ways to improve the physical health of people with mental illness.

$35 million for new Centres of Research Excellence in health and medical research
NHMRC welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement of outcomes from the 2023 Centres of Research Excellence (CRE) scheme.

Research Excellence: Understanding membrane protein structures
Dr Alastair Stewart, Head of the Institute’s Structural Biology Laboratory at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI) focuses his research on understanding the mechanisms of how cells transport drug molecules using cyro-electron microscopy technology. Based within VCCRI’s Innovation Centre, Dr Stewart’s research involves generating detailed information on the function of membrane protein structures, providing a template to better understand drug interactions within the body. Read on to find out more about Dr Stewart’s research, in his own words.

$1.5 million for research collaboration to develop a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder screening tool
A project in partnership with community organisations to explore the national expansion of a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) screening program is one of eight research collaborations sharing in over $10.5 million in NHMRC partnership funding.

Research Excellence: trialling women's testosterone therapy
Professor Susan Davis AO, Head of the Monash University Women’s Health Research Program, focuses her research on understanding the role of sex hormones, particularly testosterone, in women’s health. Her program of research involves a series of innovative, complementary clinical trials to determine if the hormone can serve as a new therapy to protect against leading causes of ill health in postmenopausal women. Read on to find out more about Professor Davis’s research, in her own words.

Over $9 million for collaborative research projects to improve health care access and equity
A project in partnership with community organisations to guide the effective use of medication that reduces the risk of contracting HIV is one of seven research collaborations sharing in over $9 million in NHMRC Partnership Project funding.

Research Excellence: predicting gastric cancer
Dr Doug Tjandra is an advanced trainee in gastroenterology at The Royal Melbourne Hospital with an interest in preventing gastrointestinal cancers and immunotherapy-related complications of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Transcript: RN Breakfast interview with Professor Anne Kelso AO on gender equity in research funding
In the final days of Professor Anne Kelso’s term at NHMRC, we reflect on her contribution to the agency and the sector, including through initiatives to address gender disparities in health and medical research. Professor Kelso explained why such interventions are necessary during an interview with Patricia Karvelas on ABC Radio National Breakfast on November 15 2022.

Transcript: MJA Podcast interview with Professor Anne Kelso AO on her term as NHMRC CEO
In the final days of Professor Anne Kelso’s term at NHMRC, we are reflecting on changes that have taken place at the agency and in the wider sector while she has served as CEO. During an interview with Cate Swannell for the MJA Podcast on December 5 2022, Professor Kelso discussed some of the most significant experiences of her tenure, including the introduction of an initiative to address gender disparities in the Investigator Grant scheme.

Research excellence: understanding the first few weeks of pregnancy
Professor Jose Polo’s work in epigenetics spans diverse fields, including cellular reprogramming, embryogenesis, neurobiology, immunology and cancer. His Synergy Grant brings together a multidisciplinary team who will combine the latest advances in models of early development, genetics and molecular biology to determine how the early placenta produced by the embryo burrows into the uterus and keeps developing during the entire pregnancy.

NHMRC statement on iBlastoids
Regulation of research involving human embryos and embryo-like structures in Australia.

Research Excellence: rapidly detecting emerging viruses
It is challenging to contemplate, but the world can expect to experience pandemics like COVID-19, and perhaps even larger in scale, in the future. Professor Eddie Holmes is developing a pandemic radar to rapidly detect emerging viruses and determine which are most likely to have pandemic potential. His research focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of virus ecology and evolution, as well as how viruses jump species boundaries to emerge and cause disease in new hosts.

Excellence in ethics and integrity
Reverend Kevin McGovern, recipient of the 2023 NHMRC Ethics and Integrity Award, is one of Australia’s leading ethicists, active in education, research and policy for over 25 years. Throughout his professional life as a parish priest, academic and community leader, Reverend McGovern has brought to innumerable discussions and debates the highest quality and intensity of consideration. His reputation for the courage of his convictions and his openness and respect for others with a diversity of views is unparalleled.

Excellence in consumer engagement: optimising the lives of people with aphasia
The Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC) brings together people with aphasia, their families and friends, clinicians and researchers in the collaborative development of innovative and novel health interventions that transform lives. At NHMRC's Research Excellence Awards in March, QARC received the 2023 NHMRC Consumer Engagement Award, which recognises an individual, a group of individuals or an organisation that has made a long-term contribution to consumer and community involvement in health and medical research.

Research Excellence: A vision for the elimination of tuberculosis
Professor Greg Fox is a respiratory doctor and clinical trialist at the University of Sydney and Director of the Sydney Vietnam Institute who is contributing to the momentum towards tuberculosis (TB) elimination. Professor Fox received the 2021 NHMRC David Cooper Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Award, recognising the highest ranked recipient in the Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies scheme.

Research excellence: Transforming midwifery in the Asia-Pacific region
Professor Caroline Homer AO is a midwife and maternal and newborn health researcher. Her research addresses maternal and newborn health issues, especially the role of midwives in improving outcomes in limited-resource settings, with a focus for more than 20 years on the Asia-Pacific region.

Research Excellence: New antibody therapies against malaria and COVID-19
Professor Wai-Hong Tham was one of four distinguished female researchers to receive 2022 NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Investigator Grant Awards. Her award was for the highest ranked female recipient (Leadership category) in the Basic Science research area of the Investigator Grants scheme. Professor Tham is Head of the division of Infectious Diseases and Immune Defence at WEHI and co-Chair of the WEHI Biologics Initiative.

Research Excellence: Identifying gaps and solutions needed for HIV elimination
Dr Tafi Marukutira is a medical doctor and public health researcher, specialising in infectious diseases epidemiology. Dr Marukutira received the 2022 NHMRC Frank Fenner Investigator Grant Award (Emerging Leadership), which recognises the highest ranked recipient in the Emerging Leadership Level 1 Investigator Grant category within the Basic Science or Public Health research areas, for his work on equitable access to HIV care and treatment.

Translating medical research into improved health care in the Top End
Northern Australia’s expertise in translating health and medical research into improved health care has been recognised through an accredited Research Translation Centre, now one of 11 accredited centres nationally.

Communities driving health care research
'It’s about coming with an open mind and heart, and willingness to deeply listen to community… to have any preconceptions challenged and re-learn ways of doing research' - Dr Veronica Matthews , co-lead investigator, STRengthening systems for InDigenous healthcare Equity (STRIDE)

$5 million for Indigenous-led Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander maternal and child health research project
A research team led by clinical psychologist Associate Professor Yvonne Clark will receive almost $5 million in NHMRC-administered funding for a project to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing during pregnancy, birth and the early years.

Improving carer wellbeing and empowering Indigenous communities
Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice is a geriatrician and clinical researcher with a special interest in dementia and ageing well. For close to two decades, she has been studying the impacts of ageing and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Smiles saved with a major improvement in dental health of young Aboriginal children
For much of his professional life in the United Kingdom, Professor Anthony Blinkhorn has focussed on improving the oral health of children in poorer communities through collaborative approaches with government agencies. This work saw him appointed as Chair of Population Oral Health at the University of Sydney in 2007, funded by the NSW Health Centre for Oral Health Strategy.

Mind the gap – Filling in the missing evidence for massive blood transfusion policy
Professor Jamie Cooper AO is Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University, and Senior Specialist in Intensive Care at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne.
Developing immunity to cancer
Immunologist Dr Jason Waithman leads the Cancer Immunotherapy Group at the Telethon Kids Institute in Western Australia.

Healthier hearts in the tropical north
Professor Anna Ralph is a practicing medical specialist and leads the Global and Tropical Health division at Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin.