NHMRC’s vision is a gender diverse and inclusive health and medical research workforce to take advantage of the full range of talent needed to build a healthy Australia.

The NHMRC Gender Equity Strategy 2022–2025 establishes the framework to achieve our vision. Actions we have taken to improve gender equity are summarised below.

NHMRC is committed to achieving gender equity across the grant program. From 2023, NHMRC has implemented new special measures under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to achieve near equal gender outcomes in the Investigator Grant scheme. This action seeks to address systemic disadvantage faced by female and non-binary applicants. The decision to introduce the special measures followed a national consultation process.

Gender data for applicants and grantees across NHMRC’s grant program can be found at Outcomes of funding rounds and in the annual gender equity report cards:

Actions taken towards gender equity

Table: Activities from 2012 to current (sorted by most recent)
ActivityActionYear when action was initiated
Strategy and adviceAdvice on gender equity activities is a standing item at Research Committee, highlighting the importance of equity in the NHMRC Grant Program 2025 to ongoing 
Published the NHMRC-MRFF Statement on Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation in Health and Medical Research2024
Public consultation on a draft NHMRC-MRFF Statement on Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation in Health and Medical Research2023
Introduced new special measures under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to address systemic disadvantage faced by female and non-binary applicants to its Investigator Grant scheme2022 (applied from the 2023 scheme round)
Implemented changes to the gender field in researcher profiles in Sapphire to provide the option to self-identify as 'non binary', or to specify a different term2022
Released Consultation report: Options to reach gender equity in the Investigator Grant scheme2022
Conducted national consultation process on Options to reach gender equity in the Investigator Grant scheme, including several webinars2022
Released Discussion Paper: Options to reach gender equity in the Investigator Grant scheme2022
Released CEO Communique – Gender disparities in NHMRC's Investigator Grant Scheme and held webinars with the research sector2022
Released NHMRC Gender Equity Strategy 2022–20252022
Provided the Australian Women in STEM Ambassador information on the outcome of funding rounds from 2000 to 20202021
Released NHMRC's Gender Equality Strategy 2018–20212018
NHMRC's Women in Health Science Committee provided advice on issues faced by female researchers in the health and medical research sector and the barriers to career progression2012 to 2024
Continuing to seek advice from NHMRC's Council and Principal CommitteesOngoing
Peer reviewRemoved the requirement to use gender-neutral language in applications due to overwhelming feedback on the additional effort required to comply and the limited evidence that it is effective in mitigating unconscious gender bias in peer review2024
Introduced the consideration of career context and life circumstances of all applicants when assessing track record, relative to opportunity, in the Investigator Grant scheme2021
Revised the Relative to Opportunity Policy2021
Encouraged the use of gender-neutral language in grant applications and peer review discussions2020
Piloted completion of an implicit association test for gender and science for peer reviewers2020
Introduced actions to improve the representation of women on peer review panels2018
Facilitating participation of people with carer responsibilities in peer review panels by using videoconferencing2015
Introduced NHMRC's career disruption and relative to opportunity policy2012
Grant opportunitiesAdjusted the timing of grant rounds due to the COVID-19 pandemic2020
Altering timing of grant rounds to avoid school holidays2019
Introduced part-time opportunities across all new grant program schemes2019
Introduced reporting of grant outcomes by gender2015
Administering InstitutionsPublished better practice examples for how AIs are meeting the gender equality policy requirements2020
Established gender equality policy requirements for Administering Institutions (AIs)2015 (updated in 2019)
Reviewed how AIs are meeting the gender equality policy requirements2015 and 2018
Structural priority fundingUsing structural priority funding to support additional grants with female Chief Investigator As (CIAs)2017 to ongoing
RecognitionIntroduced the Elizabeth Blackburn Grant Awards for top-ranked women2013
Showcasing female researchers on website and in social mediaOngoing


Page last updated March 2025

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