The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
Our highly valuable committees allow us to seek advice from the best health care and research professionals across Australia.
Committees advise on our funding procedures, research and health ethics, mental health research, and health innovation and translation. This advice ensures we offer the highest standard of information. When we need further expertise, we can form a working committee or reference group for a particular topic.
A diagram of our Advisory committee structure is available in the Downloads section.
The Council of NHMRC is established under the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 (NHMRC Act) to advise the CEO and perform functions conferred on it.
Principal committees
Principal committees are established under section 35 of the NHMRC Act.
The Embryo Research Licensing Committee is an additional Principal Committee established under section 13 of the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002.
Advisory committees and groups
Working committees and advisory groups can be formed under section 39 of the NHMRC Act to advise NHMRC on issues that arise from time to time. Current committees are listed in the NHMRC Committees table below.
Joint NHMRC-MRFF Committees
Joint committees have been established to support improved alignment and coordination of the NHMRC’s Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA) and Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
- NHMRC-MRFF Consumer Advisory Group
- NHMRC-MRFF Indigenous Advisory Group
- NHMRC-MRFF Public Health and Health Systems Committee
- NHMRC-MRFF Industry, Commercialisation and Philanthropy Committee
Previous committees and advisory groups
Find information about the functions and composition of previous NHMRC Committees and Advisory Groups.
Committee Members' responsibilities for the disclosure of interests
Appointees to Council and Committees of NHMRC are required to disclose their interests in line with the Policy on the Disclosure of Interests Requirements for Prospective and Appointed NHMRC Committee Members (available in Download section below). This policy reflects the disclosure of interest requirements in section 42A of the NHMRC Act and instructions issued under sections 16A and 16B of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (made under subsection 29(2) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act)).
Committee Centre
The NHMRC Committee Centre allows registered users to log in and download meeting papers.