NHMRC’s Guideline Approval Program

Approval Program

The National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 gives the NHMRC Chief Executive Officer the power to approve guidelines developed by an external body. These are known as NHMRC approved guidelines.

To be approved, a guideline must meet the NHMRC guideline standard and follow the Procedures and requirements for meeting the NHMRC standard for guidelines.


NHMRC approved guidelines:

  • indicate to users that a guideline is of high quality, is based on the best available scientific evidence, and has been developed to rigorous standards.
  • are recognised in Australia and internationally as representing current knowledge and best health practice.

Guidelines that can qualify for NHMRC approval

Guidelines are eligible for approval if they are developed for use throughout Australia by a recognised health organisation such as a college, peak body, professional society, special interest group or government. NHMRC will not approve guidelines developed, published or funded by industry groups, or by organisations whose main source of funding is derived from industry groups.

If you are planning an evidence-based guideline contact clinicalguidelines@nhmrc.gov.au. NHMRC has a nationwide network of guideline developers which can offer support, training and advice.

Third party guidelines on NHMRC's approval program

The following guidelines are currently being developed by external bodies and will be considered for approval by NHMRC Council and the CEO. Please note that as these guidelines are in development the expected submission date could change.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Guidelines 
Developer: University of Queensland 
Expected Submission Date: February 2025 

The Implementation of Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Australia and New Zealand 
Developer: Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Working Group (under the auspices of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia) 
Expected Submission Date: March 2025 

Australian and New Zealand Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 
Developer: Stroke Foundation 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected – next in March 2025 

Australian Postnatal Care Guidelines 
Developer: Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal care (LEAPP) consortium 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected – next in March 2025

Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines 
Developer: Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal care (LEAPP) consortium 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected – next in March 2025 

Australian Living Guideline for the Pharmacological Management of Inflammatory Arthritis 
Developer: Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected – next in August 2025 

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity for Adults, Adolescents and Children in Australia 
Developer: Deakin University 
Expected Submission Date: August 2025 

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Psychosocial Disorders in Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 
Developer: University of Tasmania 
Expected Submission Date: August 2025 

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing and Early Management of Test-detected Prostate Cancer 
Developer: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia 
Expected Submission Date: August 2025 

Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Care 
Developer: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 
Expected Submission Date: November 2025 

Conservative Management of Non-Specific Neck Pain 
Developer: University of Adelaide 
Expected Submission Date: November 2025 

Australian and New Zealand living guidelines in chronic kidney disease 
Developer: Caring for Australian and New Zealanders with kidney Impairment (CARI) 
Expected Submission Date: November 2025 followed by regular updates 

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychedelics for Mental Health Conditions 
Developer: Monash University 
Expected Submission Date: November 2025 

Australian Immunisation Handbook 
Developer: Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected – next in November 2025 

Evidence Supported Clinical Guidelines for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 
Developer: St Vincent’s and Mater Health 
Expected Submission Date: 2026 

Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia (Update) 
Developer: Monash University 
Expected Submission Date: 2026 

Australian Motor Neurone Disease Guideline 
Developer: The Adelaide GRADE Centre, University of Adelaide supported by FightMND 
Expected Submission Date: 2026 

Evidence-Based Guideline for Deprescribing Gabapentinoids 
Developer: University of Sydney 
Expected Submission Date: 2027 

Australian Living Guideline for the Management of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 
Developer: Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network 
Expected Submission Date: Regular updates expected 

ISBN: 978-1-86496-024-2