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NHMRC Approval
The NHMRC Chief Executive Officer has the power to approve guidelines developed by an external body. These are known as NHMRC approved guidelines.
To be approved a guideline must meet the NHMRC guideline standard and follow the Procedures and requirements for meeting the NHMRC standard for guidelines.
NHMRC approval indicates to users that a guideline is of high quality, is based on the best available scientific evidence, and has been developed to rigorous standards. They are recognised in Australia and internationally as representing current knowledge and best health practice.
Guidelines are eligible for approval if they are developed for use throughout Australia by a recognised health organisation such as a college, peak body, professional society, special interest group or government. NHMRC will not approve guidelines developed, published or funded by industry groups, or by organisations whose main source of funding is derived from industry groups.
For more information about the approval program contact
Guidelines developers seeking NHMRC approval are advised to use GRADE and training is available through the Melbourne GRADE Centre and the Adelaide GRADE Centre.
ISBN: 978-1-86496-024-2