Stakeholders will be involved at all stages of the review, and will be invited to participate in consultation and engagement activities as they arise.
A summary of submissions received during public and targeted consultation and engagement processes will be published in the ‘completed consultation activities’ section of this webpage. All submissions will be included in the summary unless NHMRC determines otherwise, for example where a submission is out of scope.
You can view ongoing and upcoming consultation and engagement activities in the relevant sections below.
Consultation and engagement activities
There are currently no open consultations or stakeholder engagement opportunities. A revised Statement will now be drafted following the conclusion of the AHRA-led workshops and closing of the online survey. Stakeholders will be notified and will have the opportunity to provide formal written feedback through the Consultation Hub before the revised Statement is finalised.
Completed consultation activities
Consumer Statement Workshop
On Tuesday 15 November 2022, NHMRC and CHF convened an online workshop to begin the review process. The Consumer Statement Workshop included 193 participants representing consumers, advocate groups, advisory groups, researchers, research institutions, universities, and policy makers from all over Australia.
Participants and those that were unable attend further contributed to the discussion by completing a Consumer Statement Workshop feedback form. A summary from the Consumer Statement Workshop has been published.
AHRA-facilitated Workshops
A series of Australia-wide stakeholder engagement sessions were held throughout March, April and May 2024 to collect stakeholder views on what could be included in the draft Statement. These were facilitated by the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA) and were a combination of in-person and online sessions.
NHMRC developed a position paper with advice from CHF and the Consumer Statement Advisory Committee (CSAC) to guide stakeholder involvement in this consultation process. The position paper provided examples of information which could be included in the revised Statement, and posed some specific questions which formed the basis of discussion at the AHRA-led workshops.
At the request of CSAC, NHMRC undertook an environmental scan of relevant grey and academic literature linked to the position paper content. The purpose of the scan was to identify the principles underlying good practice in consumer and community involvement in health and medical research, and roles and responsibilities of funders, research institutions, researchers, and consumers. It is intended to provide a summary of the global literature and should not be read as NHMRC’s position on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research. The position paper and environmental scan are available in the ‘downloads’ section below.
Consultation Hub survey
Stakeholders who were unable to attend any of the sessions, or who also wished to provide a written response to the questions in the position paper, could provide a submission directly to us through the NHMRC Consultation Hub. Submissions opened on 19 March 2024 and closed on 16 June 2024.