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Welcome to Tracker, NHMRC’s fortnightly newsletter with the latest information on major activities and funding opportunities.
Professor Morgan is Lead of the Neuroscience of Speech research group at Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) and Head of Speech Pathology at the University of Melbourne. She is also one of the guideline developers for MCRI’s first Clinical practice guideline for the management of communication and swallowing disorders following paediatric traumatic brain injury for children 0 to 18 years of age (communication and swallowing guideline).
This document provided guidance to researchers and Human Research Ethics Committees on the complex considerations necessary in the conception, design and conduct of appropriate research in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
NHMRC takes all research integrity matters very seriously. All research we fund is required to comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code).
Emily McDonald’s journey to becoming an intern at NHMRC has not been exactly straightforward.
As an Australian Government agency, our decisions must be transparent, our policies credible and our practices fair and ethical. We strive to achieve well-coordinated, efficient and accountable public administration. We comply with legislative and mandatory requirements that pose external reporting obligations, including those provided below.
Welcome to Tracker, NHMRC’s fortnightly newsletter with the latest information on major activities and funding opportunities.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is committed to implementing the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework.
Reverend Kevin McGovern, recipient of the 2023 NHMRC Ethics and Integrity Award, is one of Australia’s leading ethicists, active in education, research and policy for over 25 years. Throughout his professional life as a parish priest, academic and community leader, Reverend McGovern has brought to innumerable discussions and debates the highest quality and intensity of consideration. His reputation for the courage of his convictions and his openness and respect for others with a diversity of views is unparalleled.