Our Research Help Centre (RHC) provides support for researchers and Administering Institutions in relation to applying for and managing grants.

The RHC aims to provide a reply to all requests for general assistance within 2 working days. This timeframe may be delayed during peak periods or for more detailed requests for assistance.

For more information visit the following links or contact the RHC for assistance via help@nhmrc.gov.au:

Opening hours for the Research Help Centre are generally Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm AEDT/AEST. Exceptions are listed in the table of closed days.

Table: Research Help Centre is closed on these days
DateOpening hours
Monday 27 January 2025Closed for Australia Day public Holiday
Monday 10 March 2025Closed for Canberra Day public holiday
Friday 18 April 2025Closed for Good Friday public holiday
Monday 21 April 2025Closed for Easter Monday public holiday
Friday 25 April 2025Closed for ANZAC Day public holiday
Monday 2 June 2025Closed for Reconciliation Day public holiday
Monday 9 June 2025Closed for King's Birthday public holiday
Monday 6 October 2025Closed for Labour Day public holiday
Thursday 25 December 2025 to Thursday 1 January 2026Closed for Christmas shutdown period

Sapphire resources are available including Tutorials and Help.


Sapphire may be unavailable for regular maintenance on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:00 am and 9:30 am (AEST/AEDT). RGMS ceased to be available to researchers, research offices and other external users on 5 January 2022. 

Where significant system outages occur outside of these windows, we will notify the research community through RAO Alert, the Sapphire login page and via Twitter (@Sapphire_NHMRC).