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Linked to Road Map 3: A Strategic Framework for Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health through Research (Road Map 3)
CEO Communique – February 2022
Professor Sandra Eades from Curtin University has dedicated her career to research in Aboriginal health improvements. Professor Eades works with National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to advise and develop strategic guidelines focused on closing the gap.
The Statement on Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation in Health and Medical Research (the Statement) is a joint initiative of NHMRC and the Department of Health and Aged Care (responsible for implementation of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has established an advisory committee to seek advice on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and health research issues.
NHMRC is committed to building and strengthening the capacity and capability amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers. We do this through funding, events and educational opportunities. Read about some of the capacity and capability initiatives we are involved with.
NHMRC recognises excellence in the health and medical research sector through its annual Research Excellence Awards. Find our 2023 award winners listed below.
Around 1,786 new cases of ovarian cancer in Australia were estimated to have been diagnosed in 2023, which is the equivalent of a 1 in 87 lifetime risk.In our first Speaking of Science webinar, held for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we were joined by international expert in ovarian cancer research, Professor Susan Ramus (Professor of Molecular Oncology in the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of New South Wales).
NHMRC’s Policy on Recognition acknowledges the role of Partners who support NHMRC in health and medical research. It sets out a strategy to recognise current and potential NHMRC Partners and how Partners recognise NHMRC.
NHMRC recognises excellence in the health and medical research sector through its annual Research Excellence Awards.
This Statement and Information Paper were designed to inform the community and policy makers of the effects of lead on the human body. Evidence has shown an association with reduced academic achievement, behavioural problems, increased blood pressure and delayed sexual maturation.
This Discussion Paper: Options to reach gender equity in the Investigator Grant scheme (see Download section below) presents four options to offset the systemic disadvantage faced by women in health and medical research, as reflected in the attrition of female applicants with seniority in the Investigator Grant scheme.
The 38th biannual report
The 35th biannual report
The 39th biannual report
The 37th biannual report