In addition to the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (the Code), we provide information to help people ensure that the use of animals is ethical, humane, complies with all relevant legislation and the Code, and meets the highest possible standards.
Guidance and resources include:
- policies, standards and guidelines under NHMRC’s Funding Agreement
- the 3Rs – the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of the care and use of animals for scientific purposes
- best practice methodology – ensuring high quality animal research so that it is rigorous, transparent, reproducible and leads to useful outcomes
- consideration of sex (animals, animal cells) at all stages of a research project
- non-human primates – the regulation and oversight of their care and use, and best practice guidance for this specialised area
- the care and use of genetically modified and cloned animals for scientific purposes
- the forced swim test and smoke inhalation procedures in rodent models
- use of animals for testing of cosmetics and the related 2021 update to the Code
- animal research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following publications are more than 5 years old and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice. They are provided for reference purposes only.
- meeting the specific and unique needs of Australian native mammals used for scientific purposes
- supporting and safeguarding the wellbeing of animals used for scientific purposes.
For further information, contact