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The Direct Research Cost (DRC) Guidelines set out the general principles that researchers, Research Administration Officers and Finance Officers should use to guide the appropriate allocation of NHMRC funds for salaries and stipends, and to determine whether expenses are DRCs for the NHMRC funded Research Activity.
The NHMRC Funding Agreement and Grant Opportunity Guidelines specify that NHMRC grant Funds1 may only be spent on Salaries, Stipends and Other Research Costs for the Research Activity for which they are provided and in accordance with the specifications contained in grant Schedules as issued to and accepted by Administering Institutions.
While is it not feasible to provide a definitive list of expenditure categories and items that may be considered DRCs, these Guidelines provide indicative examples of common expenditure types that may be incurred in the course of a Research Activity; and sets out some examples of expenses that are not to be allocated as DRCs and on which funds must not be spent.
When deciding if expenditure is a DRC or not, reference should be made first to the relevant Grant Opportunity Guidelines under which a Research Activity is funded, and then to these DRC Guidelines. In the event that there is any inconsistency between the two, the Grant Opportunity Guidelines take precedence. A cost that the Research Activity’s Guidelines expressly states may not be paid for will not be a DRC. If clarification is required, please contact your Administering Institution’s Research Administration Officer (RAO) in the first instance. If required, they may then contact
Read the Direct Research Cost (DRC) guidelines.
These Guidelines replace all previous guidance material on DRCs. The Guidelines do not apply to the Independent Research Institutes Infrastructure Support Scheme (IRIISS) Grants or Equipment Grants.
1 Funds means the amount payable under the Funding Agreement by NHMRC for the Research Activities specified in the Schedules, being the Grants and any Co-Funding administered through the Medical Research Endowment Account (or other NHMRC funding account) for those Research Activities. These DRC Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions of the NHMRC Funding Agreement.