The objective of the Ideas Grant scheme is to support innovative research projects addressing a specific question(s).
The expected outcomes are:
- innovative and creative research
- funding of researchers at all career stages
- funding any area of health and medical research from discovery to implementation.
It is expected that the Chief Investigator A (CIA) will have the capability to lead the team in achieving the project aims.
The Ideas Grant scheme is not intended to support research where a clinical trial or cohort study is the primary objective. Applicants conducting projects which incorporate elements of clinical trial and/or cohort study must consider whether the project goals are more applicable to the Ideas Grant or Clinical Trials and Cohort Grant schemes.
Funding support
Ideas Grants may be funded by or in conjunction with other organisations. These grants offer opportunities to researchers whose work is particularly relevant to the priorities and research interests of the partner organisations.
Information on how organisations and individuals can support NHMRC to fund health and medical research is available on Working together to support health and medical research.
Peer review of Ideas Grants
For details regarding the peer review process, refer to the Ideas Grants 2025 Peer Review Guidelines on GrantConnect.
Ideas Grants peer reviewer briefing webinar
View the transcript of the above Ideas Grants peer reviewer briefing webinar. A de-identified transcript of the Question and Answer session is also available.
Ideas Grants peer review mentor video
Below is a short video featuring some of our peer review mentors. Peer review mentors are independent senior researchers with experience conducting Ideas Grant/ NHMRC peer review. Our mentors were asked to address some of the key questions and themes relating to Ideas Grants peer review and NHMRC peer review in general. They discuss the methods and practices they use for conducting effective independent peer review.
View the Ideas Grants peer review mentor video transcript.
Level of funding
The amount of funding for an Ideas Grant is based on assessment of the requested budget.
Grant at a glance
Key changes
- Cancer Australia is pausing its Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme for 2024 while it considers the outcomes of a recent review of its grant programs. This means that Cancer Australia will not be a funding partner for Ideas Grants 2024.
- The requirement for applicants to use gender-neutral language in the research proposals has been removed.
- Changes are detailed in Section 2.1 of the Ideas Grants 2025 Guidelines on GrantConnect.