Contact us if you have any queries or feedback about our programs or Australian medical research. Find specific contacts for a range of program areas. Our Research Help Centre has information and support for researchers and institutions about our funding programs.
Call us
1300 064 672 in Australia
+61 2 6217 9000 for international callers
If you need an interpreter, please email
National Relay Service (NRS)
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service (NRS) to make a call.
- TTY/voice calls - 133 677
- Speak and listen - 1300 555 727
- SMS Relay - 0423 677 767
Send us a letter
GPO Box 1421
Canberra ACT 2601
Email us
Fill in the form below or email us at
Media inquiries
- Phone
- 0422 008 512