Contact us if you have any queries or feedback about our programs or Australian medical research. Find specific contacts for a range of program areas. Our Research Help Centre has information and support for researchers and institutions about our funding programs.

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 1300 064 672 in Australia
+61 2 6217 9000 for international callers

If you need an interpreter, please email

National Relay Service (NRS)

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service (NRS) to make a call.

  • TTY/voice calls - 133 677
  • Speak and listen - 1300 555 727
  • SMS Relay - 0423 677 767

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 National Health and Medical Research Council
GPO Box 1421
Canberra ACT 2601




 16 Marcus Clarke St
Canberra ACT 2601

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Melbourne VIC 3000

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0422 008 512

Governmental and parliamentary inquiries


Contact form

Note: An anonymous reporting option is available under Complaints and Reports.   

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I wish to complain about

This form must be used to make a complaint under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 and forwarded to

Supplier complaints form

Type of anonymous report

Further information is in the NHMRC Complaints Policy. Note that if you make an anonymous complaint, NHMRC will investigate the matter to the best of its ability but will be unable to provide you with a response.

When making a report about fraud or corruption, please include as much information as you have. This can include dates on the alleged activity, details of persons potentially involved in the alleged activity and details of or information relating to the concern, including how it was detected. Specify when and where the activity occurred, if known.

Further information is available in NHMRC's Fraud and Corruption Control Framework 2023-25.

NHMRC collects your personal information via these forms in order to respond to your correspondence. You are able to contact NHMRC anonymously or using a pseudonym (a false name), however we may not be able to properly investigate the matter you raise if we do not have your identity. Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988, and will be managed by NHMRC in accordance with NHMRC’s Privacy Policy. Further information, including how to access the personal information collected by us, complain about NHMRC’s handling of your personal information, or how to apply for it to be corrected, can also be found in the NHMRC Privacy Policy.

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