This TCR aimed to support research that will inform future policies, programs and initiatives that are designed to assist people experiencing loneliness and/or social isolation to manage their chronic disease.

Applications received during the call were peer reviewed by an expert panel. Following peer review, four applications were funded by NHMRC. Details of the awarded grants are provided in the Funding outcomes table.

Table: Funding outcomes
App IDChief Investigator AApplication TitleAdministering InstitutionBudgetGrant Duration
2024751Prof Viviana WuthrichTargeting mechanisms underlying loneliness in chronic conditionsMacquarie University$787,880.002024 to 2028
2024805Prof Cathrine MihalopoulosTowards a holistic priority setting approach for chronic disease management to tackle loneliness and social isolation in AustraliaMonash University$1,703,439.752023 to 2028
2024853Dr Kate FiliaSIncere: Developing resources to support Socially INClusivE caRE for mental ill-healthUniversity of Melbourne$1,783,246.902024 to 2029
2024872Prof Peter KellyGroups for Belonging: a parallel cluster randomised controlled trial of a group-based loneliness intervention for people attending treatment for alcohol or substance use disordersUniversity of Wollongong$1,290,844.652023 to 2027