This TCR aimed to fund research into better understanding the current and future impacts of climate change on the health and wellbeing of Australians and on health system demand.

Applications received during the call were peer reviewed by an expert panel. Following peer review, 11 applications were funded by NHMRC. Details of the awarded grants are provided are provided in the Funding outcomes table.

Table: Funding outcomes
App IDChief Investigator A Application Title Administering Institution Budget Grant Duration 
2037163Assoc Prof Brad FarrantHealing people, Country and climate - cultural pathways for changeUniversity of Western Australia$999,285.602025-2028
2037524Prof Julie BrimblecombeCollaborating hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities and policymakers to fortify food security resilience amidst the challenges of climate change in remote AustraliaMonash University$999,981.402025-2029
2037546 Assoc Prof Caroline LodgeOVERNIGHT: A nOVEl approach to impRoviNg quality of life for people with asthma during high aIr pollution events usinG Hepa filTersUniversity of Melbourne$965,420.402025-2029
2037615Assoc Prof Suzanne CoshBuilding climate resilience and protecting mental health: A community-based preventative mental health intervention for bushfire, drought and extreme weather eventsThe University of New England$996,269.88 2025-2030
2038163Assoc Prof Luana Main
REFRESH: Resilience enhancement for workers’ fatigue, recovery & safety in the heatDeakin University$995,394.00 2025-2030
2039696Assoc Prof Supriya Mathew
Climate preparedness in very remote desert communitiesMenzies School of Health Research$999,525.202025-2030
2039697Assoc Prof Veronica Matthews
Coming home, making home, valuing home: A health and wellbeing evidence-base for Aboriginal cultural and climate appropriate community-designed homes.University of Sydney$795,099.002025-2030 
2039730Dr Caroline GaoPlatform for Research and Interventions in youth Mental health and the Environment (PRIME)University of Melbourne$999,890.602025-2029
2039743Prof Sotiris Vardoulakis 
Community resilience centres for improving climate adaptation to bushfire smoke and heatwaves in changing urban environmentsUniversity of Canberra $999,837.40 2025-2028 
2039802Assoc Prof Gregor Devine 
The impact of climate on vector-borne zoonoses in Australia: changing transmission pathways and increased spill-over risksThe Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research$999,837.402025-2029
2039822Dr Quan HuynhStatins to reduce adverse cardiovascular effects from exposure to bushfire smokeBaker Heart and Diabetes Institute$999,020.002025-2029