Important information

An organisation may apply to register its Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) at any time. To be eligible for registration, the organisation and HREC must demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (National Statement).

The submission of this application must be approved by the head of the organisation (e.g. CEO or Vice-Chancellor). If the HREC is responsible to more than one organisation, the head of each of these organisations must also approve the submission of this application. The organisation with primary responsibility for the HREC is the applicant.


NHMRC collects personal information from Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) as part of the registration process. 

This information is collected on contact details for HRECs and for their organisations, as well as details on HREC membership. Without this personal information, an HREC will not be registered, nor will its registration be maintained.

NHMRC uses this information to contact HRECs and their organisations, to confirm that HRECs and organisations agree to the terms of registration, and/or to verify that HRECs’ appointed members meet the requirements of paragraphs 5.1.30–5.1.32 of the National Statement. HREC contact email addresses that do not include personal names or are already publicly available may be provided to external third parties. However, all other access to this information will be limited to NHMRC staff.

By providing this information, HRECs and organisations acknowledge that it will be stored by NHMRC. 

Further information is provided in the NHMRC Privacy Policy or by emailing


  • complete all sections of the online form 
  • to allow NHMRC to make an informed decision about registration of your HREC, you are required to provide additional information to support your application.  This information is outlined in the Membership Profile form to be attached in Section 3 and the ToR/SOPs Requirements form to be attached in Section 4. You may be contacted if additional information is required.
  • a copy of your application will be emailed to you upon submission.


Section 1 - HREC details
HREC mailing address

HREC contact officer

HREC chairperson

Section 2 - Organisation details

Organisation with primary responsibility for the HREC (applicant)

HRECs can be established by organisations, either individually or jointly (NS 5.1.24 ). One organisation should be nominated as having primary responsibility for the HREC.

Are there other organisations that share responsibility for the HREC

Additional organisation/s with responsibility for the HREC

Secondary organisation
HRECs can be established by organisations, either individually or jointly (NS 5.1.24). One organisation should be nominated as having primary responsibility for the HREC.
Section 3 - HREC composition

This section relates to the requirements in Section 5 of the National Statement.

Please complete and upload the Membership Profile form


For completion of the form please ensure that the National Statement guidelines for the minimum membership of an HREC (NS 5.1.30 – 5.1.32), additional members (NS 5.1.33 – 5.1.35) and diversity and expertise (NS 5.1.36 – 5.1.39) are followed.

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: docx, pdf.
by selecting 'Yes' you confirm that the HREC meets the minimum membership requirements of NS 5.1.30-5.1.32.
by selecting 'Yes', you confirm that the primary organisation is responsible for providing legal protection for HREC members and that members have received written acknowledgement of their appointment and protection as per NS 5.1.42.
Section 4 - HREC operations

HREC terms of reference (ToR)

When establishing an HREC, the organisation must set out and publicise its HRECs’ terms of reference. The terms of reference must meet the requirements of NS 5.1.29.

HREC procedures/standard operating procedures (SOPs)

The organisation must ensure that that the HREC establishes, implements and documents working procedures to promote good ethical review. The HREC’s procedures/SOPs must meet the requirements of NS 5.2.1.

Please upload your Terms of Reference, Standard Operating Procedures and the completed ToR/SOPs Requirements form.
Maximum 3 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: docx, pdf.

Protection of privacy

HRECs must consider the protection of privacy for humans participating in research (NS 5.2.19(l)).

Acceptance of the Human Research Ethics Application (HREA)

Does your HREC require inclusion in the HREC Directory of the NHMRC HREA portal ?
HREC’s preferred method of receiving ethics applications
Section 5 - Further information and declaration

Further information


  • the information supplied in this form and any attachment is true and correct
  • the head of the organisation has approved the submission of this application
  • the HREC is constituted and will operate in accordance with the National Statement
  • the HREC is adequately resourced and maintained
  • information will be provided to NHMRC upon request, in accordance with paragraphs 5.8.4 to 5.8.5 of the National Statement
  • I accept the risks and conditions outlined in the NHMRC Privacy Policy.
  • the information supplied in this form and any attachment is true and correct
  • the head of the organisation has approved the submission of this application
  • the HREC is constituted and will operate in accordance with the National Statement
  • the HREC is adequately resourced and maintained
  • information will be provided to NHMRC upon request, in accordance with paragraphs 5.8.4 to 5.8.5 of the National Statement
  • I accept the risks and conditions outlined in the NHMRC Privacy Policy.