16 March 2023

These FAQs address common eligibility queries received during the application process for the Investigator, Ideas, and Synergy Grant schemes.

Potential applicants should familiarise themselves with all eligibility requirements detailed in the relevant scheme grant opportunity guidelines on GrantConnect, before submitting an application.


Which schemes are included in NHMRC’s cross-scheme eligibility capping framework?

The Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes are included in NHMRC’s cross-scheme capping framework. From the 2025 funding round, Synergy Grants are no longer relevant for NHMRC’s cross-scheme application and grant capping policies. This applies to all currently held Synergy Grants, and for all future Synergy Grant applications and grants. See the Synergy Grant guidelines for scheme-specific eligibility requirements.

How many applications can a Chief Investigator (CI) submit across the Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes in any given funding round?

CIs can submit a total of up to 2 applications across the Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes in any given funding round, depending on the number of Investigator and Ideas Grants they hold. This is because CIs are not allowed, in the same funding round, to apply for more grants than they would be eligible to hold.

See section:
4.2.1 of the Ideas Grant guidelines (from 2025 funding round), or
4.3.1 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

How many grants can a Chief Investigator hold concurrently from the Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes?

CIs can hold up to a maximum of 2 grants concurrently from the Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes. The ‘up to’ is in reference to the cross-scheme eligibility rule that an Investigator Grant CIA cannot apply for an Ideas Grant until the final year of their Investigator Grant (original end date).

See section:
4.2.1 of the Ideas Grant guidelines (from 2025 funding round), or
4.3.1 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

What happens if I submit more applications than I am eligible to apply for or hold?

The breaching application(s) is removed from further consideration for funding.

If any CI (CIA–CIJ) submits an Investigator or Ideas Grant application(s), in the same funding round, in excess of the maximum for which they are eligible to apply for or hold, the breaching application(s) (i.e. the last submitted) on which that CI is named may be ineligible and excluded from consideration, irrespective of:

  • the scheme to which they have applied, and
  • that CI’s position or role on the application.

See section:
4.2.1 of the Ideas Grant guidelines (from 2025 funding round), or
4.3.1 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

Can I modify my NHMRC grant application after the round has closed?

Once submitted to NHMRC, the application is considered final and no changes can be made.

A submitted Investigator Grant application that is withdrawn after the closing date for applications will continue to affect the eligibility of applications to the Ideas Grant scheme in the same funding round. Conversely, the removal of CIs from an Ideas Grant will continue to affect Investigator Grant eligibility.

See sections:
4 and 7.6 of the Investigator and Ideas Grant guidelines

I am a Chief Investigator on an Investigator and/or Ideas Grant that has extended its original end date. Will this impact my eligibility to apply for grants?

Eligibility to apply for an Investigator and/or Ideas Grant is based upon the original end date of held grants. Extensions to the grant end date do not impact eligibility to apply for an Investigator and/or Ideas Grant.

Investigator Grants

How is eligibility determined to apply for, and hold an NHMRC Investigator Grant?

Eligibility to apply for, and hold, an Investigator Grant is based on the number of Ideas Grants held, as well as whether the CI already holds an Investigator Grant, and whether that Investigator Grant will be finished or in its final year, on 1 January of the year the new Investigator Grant is scheduled to commence, based on the original end date for the grant.

Detailed information on how eligibility for an Investigator Grant is affected by a CI’s grant applications and/or currently held grants is available at Appendix E of the grant guidelines and the Eligibility Tool.

See section:
4.3.1 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

Am I eligible to receive an Investigator Grant and a salary if I hold a non-NHMRC grant?

Yes, depending on the size of the non-NHMRC grant’s salary.

CIAs in receipt of an Investigator Grant salary are not eligible to concurrently receive salary support from non-NHMRC grants. The term 'non-NHMRC grant' covers competitive funding received from any source other than NHMRC (including MRFF).

For the purposes of the non-NHMRC grants policy, ‘salary support’ means any salary from a non-NHMRC grant(s) that totals greater than 20% of the value of the awarded Investigator Grant salary, for the overlapping period.

CIAs with non-NHMRC grants that provide salary(ies) with a total value less than or equal to 20% of the value of the awarded Investigator Grant salary can retain both/all salaries.

See section:
4.3.4 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

When is the PhD census date for the Investigator Grant scheme?

The Investigator Grant PhD census date is the application close date.

See section:
4.4 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

Can I apply for an Investigator Grant before I know the outcome of my Ideas Grant application from the previous funding round?

Yes, however:

If an Investigator Grant applicant is a CI (CIA–CIJ) on an Ideas Grant application(s) from the previous round, and are subsequently offered an Ideas Grant(s) to the maximum of NHMRC grants that they are eligible to hold, the Investigator Grant will not be eligible for NHMRC funding and will be removed from consideration, irrespective of whether the Ideas Grant(s) is accepted.

See section:
4.3.1 of the Investigator Grant guidelines

Ideas Grants

What is the maximum number of Ideas Grants a given Chief Investigator (CI) can hold?

CIs can hold up to a maximum of 2 Ideas Grants concurrently, subject to whether they already hold an Investigator Grant.

See section:
4.2.1 of the Ideas Grant guidelines

Synergy Grants

How many Chief Investigators (CIs) are allowed on a NHMRC Synergy Grant application?

A Synergy Grant application requires a minimum of 4 CIs. The maximum number of CIs allowed on a Synergy Grant application is 10.

See section:
4.1.1 of the Synergy Grant guidelines

How many NHMRC Synergy Grant applications is a Chief Investigator allowed in any given funding round?

CIs can submit a maximum of one (1) Synergy Grant application in a grant opportunity.

See section:
4.2.2 of the Synergy Grant guidelines (from 2025)

What is the maximum number of Synergy Grants a given Chief Investigator (CI) can hold?

CIs can hold a maximum of one (1) Synergy Grant.

See section:
4.2.2 of the Synergy Grant guidelines (from 2025)