All commentators on our social media pages must show courtesy and respect to others in the making of comments. You must not use the pages to abuse, defame or expose others to offensive or inappropriate content, or for unlawful purposes.
While user generated comments are not edited, to ensure a positive experience for visitors of social media sites and the broader community, NHMRC may report or remove at its discretion, any content or comments containing spam, profanity, or otherwise objectionable material. NHMRC may decide to block or report you as a user if it considers that you have breached the standards set out in this policy. This policy is to be read in conjunction with the acceptable use policies of the social media platforms with which you are engaging. If your input breaches the acceptable use policies of these platforms, your comments may be moderated by the platform administrators.
In engaging with us and posting comments to our social media platforms we expect that you will:
- protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information of either yourself or of others (without consent) in your posts (for example, names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers, photographs)
- represent your own views and not impersonate or falsely represent any other person
- not post information that relates to a specific person or organisation in a disparaging manner
- not be abusive, or harass or threaten others; nor make defamatory or libellous comments
- not use insulting, provocative, hateful, obscene or offensive language
- not post material that infringes the intellectual property rights of others
- not post multiple versions of the same view or make excessive postings on a particular issue
- not promote commercial interests
- not include internet addresses or links to websites, or any email addresses
- not make unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals or organisations
- not encourage conduct that may or would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, national or international law or regulation
- not incite hatred or vilification on the basis of any personal characteristic, including race, gender, marital or domestic status, disability, sexuality or age
- not identify matters that are currently the subject of legal proceedings or would breach a court order
- not make comments that are irrelevant to the topic being discussed.
Any comments that contravene this policy may be removed without explanation.