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The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (the Guidelines) provide guidance to water regulators and suppliers on monitoring and managing drinking water quality.The Guidelines are available for download below, or in a digital format.
NHMRC provides advice about the care of people in post-coma unresponsiveness (vegetative state) or a minimally responsive state.
These guidelines aim to protect Australians from threats posed by the recreational use of coastal, estuarine and fresh water environments. These guidelines are currently being updated by NHMRC’s Recreational Water Quality Advisory Committee.
To ensure we can make healthy food choices, we need dietary advice based on the best scientific evidence. This Guideline seeks to offer the best advice on dietary patterns that promote optimal health and wellbeing for the generally healthy Australian population.
NHMRC-accredited Research Translation Centres are leading centres of excellence and collaboration in health and medical research, research translation, research-infused education and training and outstanding health care.
The guidelines are produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in collaboration with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, and are published on the MAGICapp platform.