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Some members of the community have raised concerns about the impact on their health while living near a wind farm. This information paper summarises the available evidence on the subject along with key issues raised by the public and the expert community.
10 of the Best NHMRC research projects – Fourteenth Edition describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects underway in Australia.
The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) consists of a series of guidelines made in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.
Speaking of science: Emerging international trends in sex and gender science with Dr Cara Tannenbaum
When it comes to individual health and wellbeing, differences between sex and gender matter and the more consideration that we give to these differences, the more we can improve health outcomes for everyone.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) remains committed to supporting dementia research in Australia following the end of the Australian Government's Boosting Dementia Research Initiative (BDRI).
More than 400,000 Australians are living with dementia. It is Australia's second overall leading cause of burden of disease in injury, behind coronary heart disease.1 A long-term approach to the diagnosis and treatment of dementia is essential for Australia's social and economic wellbeing.
This expert review is the summary of key issues from the report Evidence on the Effects of Lead on Human Health.
NHMRC-accredited Research Translation Centres are leading centres of excellence and collaboration in health and medical research, research translation, research-infused education and training and outstanding health care.
10 of the Best NHMRC research projects 2015 describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects in Australia.
Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC)
As a recommended action under NHMRC’s Road Map 3: A strategic framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health through research and associated Action Plan 2021–2024 Triennium, a review of the Indigenous Research Excellence Criteria (IREC) was undertaken in 2023. This included national consultation with the feedback considered by the Principal Committee Indigenous Caucus (PCIC) and a consultation report released in December 2023.A key finding from the Review, which was endorsed by PCIC, is that there is strong support for adoption of an approach where all NHMRC applications need to answer a question about how the proposed research will benefit Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health. This is aligned with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, which aims to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments to work together to overcome the inequality experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and achieve life outcomes equal to all Australians.
Our commitment to improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples covers all aspects of NHMRC’s responsibilities, as well as contributing to the Australian Government’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031.NHMRC renewed our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in collaboration with Reconciliation Australia about turning good intentions into real actions and rising to the challenge of reconciling Australia. A RAP is a business plan that uses a holistic approach to create meaningful relationships, enhance respect and promote sustainable opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.Our previous Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-2018, is available on the National Library's Australian Government Web Archive.
Members of the Council of National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), 2024-27 triennium.