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The Statement on Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation in Health and Medical Research (the Statement) is a joint initiative of NHMRC and the Department of Health and Aged Care (responsible for implementation of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
Publication Data
The Statement seeks to improve health outcomes by:
- improving knowledge of research gaps related to historical underrepresentation of sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation in various research fields and topics
- improving consideration of, and accurate data collection about, sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation throughout the design, conduct, analysis, reporting, translation and implementation of all research
- promoting increased inclusion of women and men, both cisgender and trans, non-binary people, people with innate variations of sex characteristics and people with diverse sexual orientations in research, particularly where they have been historically underrepresented or excluded
- promoting effective, sensitive and safe involvement of people with lived experience in all stages of research projects
- encouraging more effective partnerships between consumers, researchers, clinicians, and other research stakeholders.
These practices aim to ensure that health and medical research produces an evidence base that is relevant to all people in Australia.
The Statement aligns with the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation (2020 Standard) to promote the standardised collection and dissemination of statistical data.
NHMRC and the Department of Health and Aged Care will work with the sector over time to embed the Statement, which will require support and action from all stakeholders. It is strongly encouraged that all research funded through the NHMRC and the MRFF:
- considers sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation at all stages of the research project
- uses consistent definitions and classifications (the ABS 2020 Standard).
There are a range of online resources to help grant applicants learn more about how to consider sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation in research, including:
- Australian Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine: Resources for Research Methods
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research: How to Integrate Sex and Gender in Research
- US National Institutes of Health: Methods & Techniques for Integrating Sex into Research
- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia: LGBTIQ+ Health and Wellbeing Research Network
- Trans Health Research (Australia): Professional Resources
- Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity (Canada): Gender & Sex in Methods & Measurement Toolkit
- Intersex Human Rights Australia: Researching intersex populations.
Statement Development
On 22 March 2023, a workshop was held to better understand the issues the Statement should address. The workshop included voices from a range of researchers, biostatisticians, consumers, representatives and stakeholders with experience and expertise in sex and gender matters related to health and medical research. Presentations from both The George Institute for Global Health and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia were facilitated to support open discussion among attendees.
A draft Statement was released for public consultation in late 2023 and 107 submissions were received. This feedback from diverse stakeholders was considered in detail, including by key advisory committees that support the administration of both NHMRC and MRFF, and incorporated as appropriate into the final Statement.
The diverse perspectives, experiences and knowledge of women and men, both cisgender and trans, non-binary people, people with innate variations of sex characteristics and people with diverse sexual orientations are valued, respected, and contributed to the final Statement.