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The Panel of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumer and Community Representative (to be referred to as the Indigenous Panel) is a pool of Consumer and/or Community representatives that can be drawn upon to assist in the peer review of Indigenous health research.
The creation of the Indigenous Panel will build consumer and community representative knowledge and skills in the peer review of research applications. The Indigenous Panel will also provide feedback and help refine NHMRC’s process of involving consumers and community representatives in peer review.
Why be involved in peer review of research?
The inclusion of Indigenous consumers and community organisations in the assessment of Indigenous research applications ensures the research is relevant and contributes to improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is important that research looking to promote and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health recognises and respects cultural diversity, concepts of wellbeing and values and that this research is guided by and developed in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Learn more about how NHMRC is keeping research on track for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities.
What will the Panel do?
Panel members with relevant experience will be appointed to one of NHMRC’s Targeted Calls for Research Peer Review Panels to assess Indigenous research applications against set criteria.
Find out more on NHMRC’s Policy on Consumer and/or Community Representative role in Peer Review.
NHMRC conducts at least one Targeted Call for Research a year that has a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health. Other grant opportunities through the Targeted Calls for Research scheme may also require members from the Indigenous Panel to assess applications that focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
More information on being a Consumer and Community Representative in peer review.
For the 2023-2026 Indigenous Panel we are seeking Representatives across the following areas:
- Social, cultural and commercial determinants of health
- Effectiveness/evaluation of health systems or programs
- Racism in the health care system
- Alcohol and drug use – prevention and interventions.
Details about what is involved in peer review are also provided in the booklet Consumer and community representatives participation in peer review panels.
Essential requirements for Indigenous Community and Consumer Representatives
- Members must identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent by the three ‘working criteria’ as accepted by government agencies and community organisations and described by AIATSIS.
- Members are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumer and/or community representatives from around Australia.
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community representatives are people who identify as being part of/or associated with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community.
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander consumer representatives are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who use health services (i.e., patients or carers) and are aware of the issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers of healthcare services.
- Members can nominate as filling both a community representative and/or consumer representative role.
It is considered beneficial to have personal or professional experience with healthcare, health services, health research or other health-related fields, either as a consumer or a provider.
Membership of the Indigenous Panel is for three years, and it is likely members will participate on at least one peer review panel a year. Members will be paid for their attendance at meetings and assessment of grant applications. Members will be paid for their attendance at panel meetings and assessment of grant applications as a spokesperson.
How to nominate
Nominations will be accepted from individuals and organisations through the nomination form (available in the Download section).
A flyer is available in the Download section, to assist organisations promote the opportunity.
Nominations must be made by 31 August 2023.
Nominated individuals will be selected for the panel in consultation with NHMRC’s Principal Committee Indigenous Caucus.