As the Australian Government's lead agency for funding health and medical research, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is committed to achieving gender equity in its grant program.


A gender diverse and inclusive health and medical research workforce to take advantage of the full range of talent needed to build a healthy Australia


NHMRC-led action and funding promote gender equity in Australia’s health and medical research workforce.

  • Gender equity strengthens the health and medical research workforce.
  • Diversity in the health and medical research workforce will lead to better health outcomes for the Australian community.
  • Everyone benefits from research environments that are safe, respectful and inclusive.
  • Evaluate and adapt NHMRC policies and activities to achieve gender equity and measure our performance against set goals.
  • Increase transparency of NHMRC processes and funding outcomes.
  • Build commitment to gender equity as a common goal across the health and medical research sector.
  • Collaborate with government, research institutions, industry, business and the community to achieve gender equity.
Priority 1: Gender equity in the NHMRC grant program

Goal: NHMRC grants support a gender inclusive health and medical research workforce


  • Consult on and implement actions to address gender disparities in funding outcomes
  • Maintain or strengthen funding policies and processes that address gender inequities
  • Strengthen guidance and training for peer reviewers to consider career context fairly
  • Continue to allocate structural priority funding to address gender disparities where needed

KPIs: Gender inequities in NHMRC funding outcomes are reduced. Support is available for non-binary health and medical researchers.

Priority 2: Evidence and transparency about gender equity

Goal: NHMRC actions and interventions are based on transparent evidence


  • Increase transparency in reporting on NHMRC grant applications and outcomes by gender
  • Collect and use data to understand structural disadvantages experienced by non-binary researchers and the impact of intersectionality
  • Evaluate peer review scoring to identify disparities
  • Pilot and evaluate new initiatives to strengthen the evidence base on effective interventions

KPI: Transparent data are available to the sector and used by NHMRC to design interventions that foster gender equity in research as needed.

Priority 3: Leadership and advocacy for gender equity and inclusion

Goal: Health and medical research environments are safe, respectful and inclusive, and gender equity is recognised as a common goal


  • Engage with others to encourage the advancement of gender equity and inclusion
  • Consider international initiatives that are achieving gender equity and inclusion
  • Maintain NHMRC requirements for Administering Institutions’ gender policies and report on their effectiveness
  • Raise the profile of gender positive role models
  • Develop a statement on sex and gender inclusivity in research design

KPI: NHMRC policies promote gender equity and inclusion in the health and medical research sector.


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