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This manual demonstrates the need for clinical ethics capacity in Australian health care organisations and provides guidance for institutions wishing to establish or strengthen an existing clinical ethics service.
Publication Data
This manual is aimed at institutions such as hospitals and clinics and provides information and tools for use in:
- facilitating building clinical ethics capacity,
- managing operational issues associated with clinical ethics services, and
- providing ethics consultation, including a review of various consultation models that are in use and an illustration of how a common clinical scenario might be addressed using one of these models.
The Manual also includes appendices with selected resources for use in building capacity, designing a clinical ethics service and conducting case consultations.
The Manual is designed to assist and enable organisations to make their own decisions. For this reason, while emphasising the importance of certain steps and approaches, it is non-prescriptive.
Please note that any use of the Manual or material therein including attribution is subject to Australian Government copyright policy.