This guide supports the implementation of the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition (2013) by providing advice about how the specific and unique needs of Australian native mammals can be met when these animals are used for scientific purposes. 

It provides information for investigators, institutions, animal ethics committees and all those involved in the care and use of Australian native mammals for scientific purposes.

Notice: This publication is more than 5 years old and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice.

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More than 5 years old


The Guide provides information on general considerations related to the care and use of Australian native mammals across 22 chapters on individual species. The Guide seeks to ensure that any care and use of Australian native mammals for scientific purposes is ethical, humane, responsible and accords with best practice. 

The Guide replaces the 2 previous guidelines A Guide to the use of Australian Native Mammals in Biomedical Research - Sections 1-3 and A Guide to the use of Australian Native Mammals in Biomedical Research - Section 4: Care of individual species.


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