To support the development of the highest quality guidelines and advice, NHMRC has robust processes in place to manage conflict of interest and to use recognised tools to assess the evidence for quality and bias. 

There are a number of quality check points during the development of guidelines or advice which ensures that the process follows transparent development and decision making processes.

The quality check points are outlined below in a flow diagram.

Flow diagram: NHMRC Quality checks during the development of guidelines or advice
Appoint experts with a range of expertise and consumers to a committee to advise on the work
Develop inclusion and exclusion criteria to determine the appropriate evidence to be considered
Contract independent methods experts to check whether the approach to reviewing the evidence base is sound, non-biased and followed the agreed research protocol
Use recognised tools to assess the evidence for quality and bias
Seek NHMRC Council approval for release of draft guidelines or advice for consultation
Release draft guidelines or advice and process documentation for public and targeted consultation to ensure all stakeholders are able to provide feedback for consideration
Engage independent expert reviewers to provide comment on the draft guidelines or advice
Seek NHMRC Council recommendation to release final guidelines or advice
Release final guidelines or advice and process documentation that clearly outlines the steps and decisions made to arrive at the recommendations.