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NHMRC opened a Targeted Call for Research (TCR) into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) on 23 October 2019. Applications closed on 29 January 2020.
The development of this TCR was guided by the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Advisory Committee established by the NHMRC.
The intended aims of this TCR were to:
- Develop a scientifically valid, evidence-based understanding of the pathophysiology and aetiology of ME/CFS and the way it impacts on the physical, social and psychological wellbeing of affected persons.
- Identify approaches that will assist patients presenting with symptoms of ME/CFS to be accurately diagnosed, including the identification potential biomarkers to facilitate effective management and treatment.
- Cultivate interdisciplinary research collaboration, both locally and internationally.
Applications received during the call were peer reviewed by an expert panel. Following peer review, 3 applications were funded by NHMRC. Details of the awarded grants are provided in the Funding outcomes table.
App ID | Chief Investigator A | Application Title | Administering Institution | Budget | Grant duration |
APP1199363 | Professor Ken Walder | Using ‘omics to unravel the pathophysiology and repurpose drugs to treat ME/CFS | Deakin University | $1,083,010.00 | 2020-2025 |
APP1199502 | Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik | Ion channel dysfunction in the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: diagnostic biomarkers, therapeutic targets and treatments | Griffith University | $1,460,700.00 | 2021-2025 |
APP1200292 | Professor Paul Gooley | Exploring the role of nitrogen metabolism, energy metabolism and mitochondrial function in the pathophysiological mechanisms of paediatric ME/CFS | University of Melbourne | $784,063.50 | 2020-2023 |