The Targeted Call for Research (TCR): Oral Health Care in Australia 2024 grant opportunity aims to fund research into better understanding the apparent gap in the translation and implementation of effective population-level oral health (including health services) interventions. Oral health needs to be considered as an integral part of general health and embedded in the primary care setting. The design and implementation of interventions and policy changes based on this research would reduce overall health system demands and costs in the long-term.

The objectives of this grant opportunity are to:  

  • Build a strong evidence base for targeted interventions addressing oral health issues on Australian population groups and the health system.
  • Develop a better understanding of the key areas of impact for populations most at risk of poor oral health.
  • Expand Australian research capacity in oral health care and implementation of service delivery programs.

Further information about the TCR, its objectives, outcomes, available funds and timeframes is available on GrantConnect. 

Grant at a glance

Duration of funding
5 years
Level of funding