The Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON) aims to coordinate and optimise research efforts and funding programmes of its partner countries in the field of mental, neurological, and sensory disorders.

NHMRC is providing up to $3 million to support Australia-based researchers who are participating as partners in transnational consortia under the NEURON Call for Proposals for multinational research projects on Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Neuroscience of Pain.

NHMRC aims to fund the Australia-based components of research, where the transnational consortium has been recommended for funding by NEURON.

Application process

  1. NEURON calls for pre-proposals.
  2. NEURON conducts assessment of pre-proposals.
  3. NEURON invites successful pre-proposal applicants to submit a full proposal.
  4. NHMRC invites successful Australia-based researchers to apply to NHMRC for support of the Australian components of the research by submitting an application in Sapphire.
  5. NEURON conducts peer review on all full proposal applications submitted.
  6. Call Steering Committee considers and approves the final ranking list.
  7. NHMRC reviews the budgets requested for Australia-based partners.
  8. Funding recommendation approval process.

Further details for the call and guidance documents can be found on ERA-NET NEURON.

Grant at a glance

Duration of funding
Up to 3 years
Level of funding

Outcomes of funding rounds


Before you submit an application, please make sure you have:


Grant submission advice

Read all relevant reference material

GrantConnect GO Documents


Liaise with your Administering Institution

to identify any specific requirements that the institution may have


Ensure your application is complete and correct.