MRFF – Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative and Primary Health Care Research Initiative – 2023 Multidisciplinary Models of Primary Care Grant Opportunity – Streams 1, 2 and 3 (GO6508)

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) – 2023 Multidisciplinary Models of Primary Care Grant Opportunity will support research to:

  • Stream 1 (Aim 1, Objective #1 of Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): support a competitively selected primary care led national consortium who will work collaboratively to support future-focused ways of thinking about primary care delivery through multidisciplinary team-based care.
  • Stream 2 (Aim 1, Objective #2 of Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): prospectively evaluate patient registration (using new and routinely collected data, quantitative and qualitative approaches) and how effective it is in different settings.
    Research proposals in this Stream must focus on one of the following Topics:
    • Topic A: The organisation undertaking the majority of the research is based in any area according to the Modified Monash Model Locator (MM1-7)
    • Topic B: The organisation undertaking the majority of the research, the Chief Investigator A and 50% or more of all Chief Investigators, and all research participants, are primarily resident in a rural, regional or remote area according to the Modified Monash Model Locator (MM2-7).
  • Stream 3 (Aim 3 of Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): develop and implement collaborative consortia that use existing data assets in innovative ways to inform value-based care, safely share critical patient information to support better diagnosis and healthcare management, empower people to participate in their own healthcare, and drive insights for planning, resourcing and continuous quality improvement.

The intended outcome of the research funded by this grant opportunity is to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians by:

  • Stream 1 (Aim 1, Objective #1 of the Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): generating knowledge on optimal models of multidisciplinary team based primary care at local and regional levels including their critical elements and how they can be deployed in different settings (within and across practices) to improve health outcomes.
  • Stream 2 (Aim 1, Objective #2 of the Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): generating knowledge on the efficiency, effectiveness and acceptability of voluntary patient enrolment in improving health service access and delivery, workforce satisfaction and patient experience and outcomes.
  • Stream 3 (Aim 3 of the Research Plan; Targeted Call for Research): using data, or other digital infrastructure to support collaborative team-based care to drive better clinical practice, patient experience and health outcomes.

This grant opportunity is being administered by NHMRC on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

Further information on the MRFF is available from the Department of Health and Aged Care.