The intended outcomes for this Targeted Call for Research into improving the health of people with intellectual disability is to improve the long-term health outcomes and quality of life of people with an intellectual disability. This will reduce the number of avoidable presentations to emergency and the number of preventable and prolonged hospitalisations. Involvement of people with intellectual disability, their families and carers during the design of the research and its implementation is a key factor for achieving success.
The Australian Government has committed to improving the health of Australians with intellectual disability through the development of the National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability (the Roadmap).
This TCR will complement the work already underway by the Australian Government in building the evidence base on strategies to improve health outcomes for people with intellectual disability.
Further information about this TCR, including its objectives, funds available and timeframes is available on GrantConnect.
Peer review information
Please refer to the 2021 Targeted Call for Research: Improving the health of people with intellectual disability Peer Review Guidelines (see Downloads section below).