The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
Guidelines and advice that have been rescinded or where NHMRC approval has expired.
The list below includes guidelines and advice that have either been rescinded, where NHMRC approval has expired or information is considered out-of-date. These are stored for historical purposes on the Australian Government Web Archive (AGWA). Below are the links to many of these. This list may not be fully comprehensive but is current as of January 2025.
Aged care
- Exercise and the older person (1994)
- Minimising the adverse consequences of hospitalisation in the older person (1994)
- Musculoskeletal disorders in the older person (1993)
- Incontinence and the older person (1994)
- Falls and the older person - Series on clinical management problems in the elderly No. 6 (1993)
- Medication for the older person (1994)
- Guidelines for a palliative approach in residential aged care: A systematic review of the literature - evidence tables (2005)
- Prevention and control of infection in aged care (2013)
Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse
- Australian Alcohol Guidelines: Health Risks and Benefits (2001)
- The Role of Families in the Development, Identification, Prevention and Treatment of Illicit Drug Problems (2001)
- An Information Document on the Current State of Research on Illicit Drugs in Australia (1999)
- Consensus-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Volatile Substance Use in Australia (2011)
- Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol (2009)
Antibiotic resistance
Emergence of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci in Australia (1996)
Blood and blood products
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: Prevention of Stroke - The Role of Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet Agents and Carotid Endarterectomy (1997)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Use of Blood Components - (red blood cells, platelets, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate) ( 2001)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines - Appropriate Use of Fresh Frozen Plasma and Cryoprecipitate Summary Card (2001)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines - Appropriate Use of Red Blood Cells Summary Card (2001)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines - Appropriate Use of Blood Components Pocket Card (2001)
- Blood Who needs it? Brochure (2001)
- Blood Who needs it? Poster (2001)
- Blood Components - A guide for patients (2001)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines - Appropriate Use of Platelets Summary Card (2001)
- Guidelines for the Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Colorectal Cancer (1999)
- Guidelines for the Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Colorectal Cancer: A Guide for Patients, their Families and Friends (2000)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Cutaneous Melanoma (1996)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: Non-melanoma skin cancer: Guidelines for treatment and management in Australia (2002)
- Recommendations for Primary Prevention of Skin Cancer in Australia (1997)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Women with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (2004)
- Taking action locally: eight steps to putting cancer guidelines into practice (2006)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer (2004)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Lymphoma (2005)
Cardiovascular health
- Angioplasty and bypass surgery: A consumer's guide (1996)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Procedural and Surgical Management of Coronary Heart Disease (1996)
- Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism) in Patients Admitted to Australian Hospitals (2009)
- Unstable Angina: A Consumer's Guide (1996)
- Preventive Interventions in Primary Health Care - Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer (1997)
Child health
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: Care Around Preterm Birth (1996)
- Care around preterm birth: A guide for parents (1997)
- Staying Healthy in Child Care - Preventing infectious diseases in child care - Fourth Edition (2006)
- Infant Feeding Guidelines for Health Workers (1996)
Child health, Mental Health
- Breaking Out: Challenges in Adolescent Mental Health in Australia (1992)
- Depression in Young People: Publication series (1997)
- National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy. Setting the Evidence-based Research Agenda for Australia: A Literature Review (1999)
Child health, Research
Report on Maternal Deaths in Australia - 1994 - 96 (2001)
Communicable Diseases‚ Vaccinations and Infection Control
- A Strategy for the Detection and Management of Hepatitis C in Australia (1997)
- Tuberculosis in Australia and New Zealand into the 1990s
- National Immunisation Strategy (1993)
- Surveillance Case Definition (1994)
- Recommendations on Hepatitis B (1996)
- Infection Control in the Health Care Setting Guidelines for the Prevention of Transmission of Infectious Diseases (1996)
- Fight Flu Campaign resource (2008)
- Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2010)
Consumers, carers and volunteers, General Health Information
- Communicating with Patients: Advice for Medical Practitioners (2004)
- Working with Volunteers and Managing Volunteer Programs in Health Care Setting (2003)
Diabetes, Eye Health
- Management of Diabetic Retinopathy: Clinical Practice Guidelines (1997)
- Diabetes and Your Eyes: A Consumer Guide for the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy (1997)
- Preserving Vision in Diabetes: A Quick Reference Guide for Optometrists, Nurses and other Health Practitioners (1997)
Environmental Health, Air quality
- Ambient air quality standards setting: an approach to health based hazard assessment (2006)
- Air quality in and around traffic tunnels (2008) (Synopsis and publishing details) | Full PDF of Air quality in and around traffic tunnels (2008)
Environmental Health, Environmental Contaminants, Waste management
- National Framework for Environmental and Health Impact Assessment (1994)
- National Guidelines for Waste Management in the Health Care Industry(1999)
- Health Implications of Long Term Climatic Change (1991)
- Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Contaminated sites (1992)
- 2010 NHMRC Public Statement: Wind Turbines and Health (2010)
- Antibiotics in Agronomy and Horticulture (1994)
- Disasters Management (1995)
Environmental Health, Water Quality
- Health Effects of Toxic Cyanobacteria (1994)
- Chemicals used for treatment of drinking water supplies (1989)
- Evaluation of Analytical Methods for Detection and Quantification of Cyanotoxins in Relation to Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2001)
- Australian Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water (1990)
- Review of Coliforms (2003)
- Water Made Clear (2004) (Synopsis and publishing details) | Full PDF of Water Made Clear (2004)
Ethics, Animal
- Policy on the Care and Use of Non-Human Primates for Scientific Purposes (2003)
- NHMRC Guidelines on the Care of Cats Used for Scientific Purposes (2009)
- Guidelines on the use of animals for training interventional medical practitioners and demonstrating medical equipment and techniques (2009)
- Ways of Minimising Pain and Distress in Animals in Research (1994)
- A Guide to the use of Australian Native Mammals in Biomedical Research - Section 4: Care of individual species (1995)
- Guidelines for the generation, breeding care and use of genetically modified and cloned animals for scientific purposes (2007)
- A Guide to the use of Australian Native Mammals in Biomedical Research - Including Sections 1-3 (1990)
- NHMRC Guidelines on the Care of Dogs Used for Scientific Purposes (2009)
- Guidelines for Monoclonal Antibody Production (2008)
Ethics, Human
- Ethical Issues in research into alcohol and other drugs: An issues paper exploring the need for a guidance framework (2012)
- Human Research Ethics Handboo (2001)
- Joint NHMRC / AVCC Statement and Guidelines on Research Practice (1997)
- Guidelines approved under Section 95A of the Privacy Act 1988 (2001)
- Guidelines Under section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988 (2000)
- Ethical and practical issues concerning ashed bones from the Commonwealth of Australia's Strontium 90 Program 1957 - 1978 (2002)
- When does Quality Assurance in Health Care Require Independent Ethical Review? (2003)
- Ethics and the exchange and commercialisation of products derived from human tissue - background and issues (2011)
- Guidelines on Ethical Matters in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research (1991)
- NHMRC Position Statement: Monitoring and Reporting of Safety for Clinical Trials (2009)
- Post-coma Unresponsiveness (Vegetative State): A Clinical Framework for Diagnosis (2004)
- Guidelines for the ethical management of people with advanced chronic or terminal conditions in the final months of life (2011)
- Ethical guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in clinical practice and research (2007)
- Ethical guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in clinical practice and research (2004)
Ethics, Human, Organ Donation
- Recommendations for the Donation of Cadaveric Organs and Tissues for Transplantation (1996)
- Report of the Review of the Role and Functioning of Institutional Ethics Committees (1996)
- National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans (1999)
- Guidelines for Ethical Review of Research Proposals for Human Somatic Cell Gene Therapy and Related Therapies (1999)
- Ethical Aspects of Organ and Tissue Donation - Advice for Health Professionals and Consumers (1997)
Ethics, Human, Genetics and Gene Technology
- Ethical Aspects of Human Genetic Testing - an Information Paper (2000)
- Guidelines approved under Section 95AA of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (2009)
- Genetics in Family Medicine: The Australian Handbook for General Practitioners (2007)
(Former National Institute of Clinical Studies)
- Identifying barriers to evidence uptake (2006)
- Evidence-practice gaps report: Volume 1 (2003)
- Evidence-practice gaps report: Volume 2 (2005)
Genetics and Gene Technology
- Direct-to-Consumer DNA Genetic Testing: An information resource for consumer (2012)
- Sequencing your genome (2013)
- The human genome (2013)
- Principles for the translation of ‘Omics’-based tests from discovery to health care (2015)
General Health Information, Research
- Tackling Chronic Disease: Exploration of Key Research Dimension (2001)
- Emergency department stroke and transient ischaemic attack care bundle (2009)
- Guidelines for the Screening, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Glaucoma (2010)
Health Procedures
- Epidural use of Steroids in the Management of Back Pain and Sciatica of Spinal Origin (1993)
- Heart and Lung Transplantation Programs (1993)
- Superspeciality Service Guidelines for Acute Cardiac Interventions (1995)
- Effectiveness of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Adults (2000)
- Minimal Access Surgery (1997)
- The Report of the Expert Panel on re-use of Medical Devices Labelled as Single Use (1997)
- NHMRC Special Expert Committee on Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies - Report on activities in 2001 (2002)
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Other Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (1996)
Health promotion
- Effective School Health Promotion - Towards Health Promoting Schools (1996)
- Health - Promoting Sports, Arts and Racing Settings (1997)
- Health Australia Review - Promoting the Health of Australians (1997)
- Asthma: Management, Education and Research (1995)
Indigenous Health
- Promoting the Health of Indigenous Australians: A review of Infrastructure Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Advancement (1997)
- Promoting the Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Communities: Case Studies and Principles of Good Practice (1997)
- A National Training and Employment Strategy for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Professionals Working in ATSI Health (1997)
- Strengthening Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (2005)
- Values and ethics - Guidelines for ethical conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research (2003)
- Keeping research on track (2006)
Injury, Sports Injury
- Boxing Injuries (1994)
- Head and Neck Injuries in Football: Guidelines for Prevention and Management (1995)
- Unintentional injuries in young males 15 to 29 years - 1996 (1996)
Men’s Health
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Management of Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men (2000)
- Is it my Prostate Doc? - A Guide for General Practitioners (1996)
- To pee or not to pee? - A guide for men about their urinary symptoms (1997)
- Men and Mental Health (1995)
Mental Health
Nutrition and Diet
- Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents (1995)
- The Core Food Groups: The Scientific Basis for Developing Nutrition Education Tools (1995)
- Acting on Australia's Weight: a Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Overweight and Obesity (1996)
- Dietary Guidelines For Older Australian (1999)
- Nutrition in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: An Information Paper (2000)
- Dietary Guidelines for all Australians (2003)
- Dietary Guidelines for Australians (1992)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity (2013)
Organ Donation
- Making a Decision about Living Organ and Tissue Donation (2007)
- Organ and Tissue Donation by Living Donors - Guidelines for Ethical Practice for Health Professionals (2007)
- Making a Decision about Organ and Tissue Donation after Death (2007)
- Organ and Tissue Donation After Death, for Transplantation - Guidelines for Ethical Practice for Health Professional (2007)
Pain Management
- Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence (1999)
- Acute Pain Management: Information for Consumers (1999)
- Acute Pain Management: Information for General Practitioners (1999)
- Emergency Care Acute Pain Management Manual (2011)
- How to review the evidence: systematic identification and review of the scientific literature (1999)
- How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence (2000)
- Using socioeconomic evidence in clinical practice guidelines (2003)
- General Guidelines for Medical Practitioners on Providing Information to Patients (2004)
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2007
- Report on Australian clinical practice guidelines (2014)
Rural Health
Women's health
- Screening for the prevention of cervical cancer: Guidelines for the management of women with screen detected abnormalities (1993)
- Perinatal Morbidity (1993)
- Options for Effective Care in Childbirth (1996)
- Long-term Effects on Women from Assisted Conception (1995)
- Hormone replacement therapy for peri- and post-menopausal women: A booklet for health professionals (1996)
- Report on Maternal Deaths in Australia 1991-93 (1998)
- Guidelines on the prophylactic use of Rh D immunoglobulin (anti-D) in obstetrics (1999)
- Psychosocial Clinical Practice Guidelines: Information, Support and Counselling for Women with Breast Cancer (2000)
- Summary of guideline recommendations for the use of Rh D immunoglobulin (Anti-D) in obstetrics (1999)
- Anti-D injection - Rh D immunoglobulin injection Consumer Brochure (1999)
- Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women at or After The Menopause: A Comprehensive Literature Review (2004)
- Hormone Replacement Therapy - A Summary of the Evidence for General Practitioners and Other Health Professions (2005)
- Hormone Replacement Therapy: Exploring the Options for Women (2005)
- Making Decisions: Should I use hormone replacement therapy? (HRT) (2005)
- Women and Mental Health (1990)
- A Consumer's Guide: Early Breast Cancer (1995)
- Screening to prevent cervical cancer: guidelines for the management of asymptomatic women with screen-detected abnormalities (2005)