22 April 2024

The objective of the CTCS Grant scheme is to support high-quality clinical trials and cohort studies that address important gaps in knowledge, leading to relevant and implementable findings for the benefit of human health.

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The expected outcomes of the CTCS Grant scheme are improvements in health and well-being, health care practice or policy, as a result of:

  • high-quality clinical trials that provide reliable evidence of the effects of health-related interventions on health outcomes (or appropriate surrogates)
  • high-quality cohort studies that provide reliable evidence on the relation of important risk factors and other exposures to health-related outcomes, and/or
  • high quality retrospective cohort studies that provide reliable evidence on the relation of important risk factors and other exposures to health-related outcomes.
  • Neither the application budget nor the number of applications that a CIA could submit was capped for the CTCS Grant scheme.
  • The CTCS Grant scheme has a funding allocation from the Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA) of $75 million (which includes $5 million for structural priority funding).
  • The total amount of funding requested from NHMRC by applicants to the CTCS Grant scheme was $627.1 million.

Grant Outcomes

  • 25 applications from institutions across the country will be funded.
  • The ratio of clinical trials to cohort studies applications was approximately 2:1
  • The ratio of clinical trials to cohort studies grants is approximately 2:1
Total number of applications received226
Total number of applications applying for NHMRC funding226
Number of grants awarded25
Percentage of applications awarded11.10%
Total amount awarded$77,608,625.90
Mean budget for awarded grants$3,104,345,04

Outcomes by Trial or Study Type

  • Applications were allocated to a Grant Review Panel (GRP) primarily based on the applicant’s nominated peer review areas.
Figure 1: Total Value of Trial or Study Type
Bar chart of Total Value of Trial or Study Type. Details in Table 1.
Table 1: Outcomes by Trial or Study Type
Trial or Study Type*ApplicationsGrants awardedFunded rateProportion of grants awardedTotal Value
Clinical Trials1551610.30%64%$52,573,047.44
Cohort Studies71912.70%36%$25,035,578.46

*As determined by the peer review area selected by the applicants.

Outcomes by Broad Research Area (BRA)

  • NHMRC is committed to supporting a broad range of research from discovery science through to clinical research (including clinical trials), health services and public health research.
  • Clinical Medicine and Science received the greatest allocation of CTCS funding, with Health Services and Public Health BRAs also funded. 
Figure 2: Funded rate (%) of each Broad Research Area
Bar chart of funded rate (%) of each Broad Research Area. Details in Table 2.
Table 2: Outcomes by Broad Research Area (BRA)
Broad Research AreaApplicationsGrants AwardedFunded Rate (%)Proportion of Grants AwardedTotal Value
Basic Science1000N/A
Clinical Medicine and Science166169.664$55,078,655.45
Health Services Research101104$2,928,425.50
Public Health49816.332$19,601,544.95

Funded Rates by Gender

Figure 3: Proportion of grants awarded by gender
Infographic of Proportion of grants awarded by gender. Details in table 3.
Table 3: Funded Rates by Gender
CIA GenderApplicationsGrants AwardedFunded Rate (%)Proportion of grants awarded
Not Stated0N/AN/AN/A

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research and Researchers

  • NHMRC is committed to allocating at least five per cent of the MREA each year to research directed at improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Applications that address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health represent 12% of the awarded grants and 9.7% of the CTCS Grant funding awarded.
Figure 4: Funded rate (%) of each Broad Research Area
Bar chart Funded rate (%) of each Broad Research Area. Details in Table 4.
Table 4: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research and Researchers
Indigenous Identified/Indigenous FocusedApplicationsGrants AwardedFunded Rate (%)Proportion of grants awarded
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Focused Research635012
Applications with one or more researchers of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent in their teams12541.720

Note: There is overlap between the rows above due to applications that address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health from researchers who are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.

In conclusion

  •   The fifth year of funding in this scheme has resulted in 25 applications being supported, with an overall funded rate of 11.1%.