The Australian Government is now in caretaker period. During this time, updates on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, until after the election.
Search our publications including guidelines, annual reports, corporate plans, reports and 10 of the Best. See more at Resources.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, you can search for archived publications on the National Library's Australian Government Web Archive (Trove).

NHMRC Corporate Plan 2024-25
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2024-25 presents our strategy for building a healthy Australia, across the strategic themes (purposes) of investment, translation and integrity of health and medical research. The plan also includes our strategic and health priorities, as well as our key activities planned for 2024–25 and over the next few years. The plan describes the operating context in which we work and outlines our performance criteria and targets for the next 4 years.

NHMRC Corporate Plan 2023–24
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2023–24 presents our strategy for building a healthy Australia, across the strategic themes (purposes) of investment, translation and integrity of health and medical research. The plan also includes our strategic and health priorities, as well as our key activities planned for 2023–24 and over the next four years. The plan describes the operating context in which we work and outlines our performance criteria and targets for the next 4 years.
The key elements of our Corporate Plan 2023–24 are summarised in the Plan on a Page.

NHMRC Corporate Plan 2022–23
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Corporate Plan 2022–23 presents our national strategy for health and medical research aligned with our three strategic purposes of investment, translation and integrity. The plan also includes our strategic priorities and health priorities and outlines our key activities planned for 2022–23 and over the next four years. In addition, the plan describes the operating context in which we work and our performance criteria and targets for the next four years

NHMRC Corporate Plan 2021–22
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2021–22 presents our national strategy for health and medical research aligned with our three strategic purposes of investment, translation and integrity. The plan includes updated strategic priorities and health priorities and outlines our planned key activities in 2021–22 and over the next four years. The plan also describes the operating context in which we work and our performance criteria and targets for the next four years.

NHMRC Corporate Plan 2020-21
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2020-21 covers the four years to 2023-24. In line with legislated requirements, it identifies major health issues likely to arise, how NHMRC will deal with these issues (including the continuing impact of COVID-19) and our strategy for health and medical research. It also details the key activities NHMRC will undertake to achieve our purposes, and the operating context in which we work, comprising: environment, capability, risk oversight and management, and organisations NHMRC cooperates with to achieve our purposes.
We have published a wealth of information on Australian health and medical research, and on specific issues relating to Australian health and health care. These include statements, strategies, guidelines and other reports – all of which are publicly available.