10 of the Best NHMRC research projects – Fourteenth Edition describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects underway in Australia.

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2651-8856 online
2651-8848 print

Welcome to NHMRC’s 10 of the Best – Fourteenth Edition, a tribute to the exceptional researchers and their teams around Australia who are adding new evidence to our mounting knowledge and understanding of health by addressing Australia’s greatest health challenges.

In this publication, we showcase ten research projects funded from 2019–2020 that exemplify the extraordinary quality and diversity of projects funded by NHMRC during that funding period. From delivering culturally safe maternity care for Aboriginal women, discovering, and developing better pain treatments, improving in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment methods, and harnessing the body’s own immune system to improve vaccines is just a little taste of what these stories are about.

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