Welcome to Tracker, NHMRC’s fortnightly newsletter with the latest information on major activities and funding opportunities.

Synergy Grants 2024 outcomes announcement
NHMRC welcomed the Synergy Grants 2024 outcomes announced by the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP on Tuesday 1 October 2024.
This announcement comprises $50 million of funding to support 10 outstanding health and medical research teams across Australia for the next 5 years.
NHMRC’s media release for this announcement is available on our News Centre.
Outcome data for the 2024 Synergy Grant round, and an accompanying outcomes snapshot are available on the Synergy Grant webpage.
Self-nomination for NHMRC's peer review for 2025 is open!
Researchers are invited to nominate themselves to participate in NHMRC peer review for 2025 grant funding schemes through Sapphire.
Instructions on how to self-nominate have been sent to RAOs, and the self-nomination form is now available and will close on Monday 28 October 2024. General guidance for self-nominations is available on NHMRC’s website.
Researchers without an active Sapphire account will need to either activate or register for an account online. Instructions are available on Sapphire’s webpage.
Open Tender and update on the Australian Dietary Guidelines - new evidence reviews
NHMRC is commissioning a number of scoping and systematic reviews for the revision of the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Evidence mapping identified existing, high-quality systematic reviews that will be used to update the evidence for some of the priority questions. However, the Dietary Guidelines Expert Committee has requested new evidence reviews be commissioned where important evidence gaps remain.
These reviews will examine the evidence base for:
- Dietary patterns and anxiety and depression
- Ultra-processed foods
- Diet and pregnancy and birth outcomes.
Applications close on Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 15:00 AEDT.
We encourage interested, eligible organisations to review the requirements and apply through Austender.
Sustainability Working Group appointment
NHMRC has appointed the Australian Dietary Guidelines Sustainability Working Group.
The Sustainability Working Group will provide advice to the Dietary Guidelines Expert Committee on the strength and quality of evidence relating to diet and sustainability (accessible, affordable and equitable diets with low environmental impact) in the Australian setting.
The drafting and development of guideline recommendations is outside the scope of the Sustainability Working Group. This remains the responsibility of the Expert Committee.
For more information, please visit the Sustainability Working Group webpage.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee 2024-2027 triennium
Members of the NHMRC’s Embryo Research Licensing Committee (ERLC) have been appointed for the 2024–2027 triennium.
Refer to the Committee’s webpage for the updated membership of ERLC.
NHMRC presents: Speaking of Science - Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Professor Belinda Parker
Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 9 people losing their lives to the disease every day.
This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, NHMRC is hosting co-Head of the Cancer Metastasis and Evolution Program and group leader of the Cancer Metastasis and Personalised Immunotherapy Laboratory at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Professor Belinda Parker for Speaking of Science.
Professor Parker will discuss her research into breast cancer, focusing on developments in risk prediction and tumour microenvironment interactions as well as precision therapies and translating that into practice. There will be a Q&A session at the end, so we encourage you to attend and ask questions!
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 29 October 2024 from 2:00PM–3:00PM AEDT.
Final Report for MREA grants
In consultation with NHMRC committees and RAOs, NHMRC has revised the questions in its Final Report for MREA grants to obtain better visibility of the supported personnel and research outputs, outcomes and impacts generated from NHMRC-funded grants.
The new template will be released in Sapphire on Thursday 31 October 2024.
Read the Final Report for MREA grants on our website for more details on the report and transition arrangements.
NHMRC artificial intelligence workshop report
NHMRC has published the report from an NHMRC-organised workshop that brought together experts to discuss the opportunities and risks from the use of artificial intelligence in NHMRC and HMRO-funded health and medical research, and translation of this research.
Read NHMRC’s artificial intelligence workshop report for more details of discussions and recommendations.
Invitation for public submission: Australian Pregnancy Care and Postnatal Care guidelines
The Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care (LEAPP) consortium is seeking NHMRC approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 for its Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines and Australian Postnatal Care Guidelines.
Consultation on recommendations from both guidelines is now open until Monday 4 November 2024.
The draft Pregnancy Care living recommendations relate to hypertension and preeclampsia screening and prevention. Visit the Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines to make a submission.
The draft Postnatal Care living recommendations provide advice on interventions for women who have had hypertension or preeclampsia and perineal health and healing.
Find out more about the 5 year Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Living Guidelines project on the LEAPP Guidelines website.
Public consultation: Procedures and Requirements for Meeting the NHMRC Standards fro Clinical Practice Guidelines
NHMRC is inviting feedback on the draft Procedures and Requirements for Meeting the NHMRC Standards for Clinical Practice Guidelines (version 2.0).
NHMRC has a statutory responsibility to provide leadership in the development of high-quality clinical practice guidelines in Australia. Under Section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992, NHMRC may approve clinical practice guidelines developed by other organisations.
The Procedures and Requirements for Meeting the NHMRC Standards for Clinical Practice Guidelines outline what guideline developers need to do to meet NHMRC Standards for Guidelines and receive NHMRC approval of their guidelines.
Consultation is now open until Sunday 27 October 2024. Information about this consultation is available on NHMRC’s website.
Cyber Secruity Awarness Month
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month which is a timely reminder of the ongoing need to mitigate the risks from cyber security threats in the health and medical research sector.
Administering Institutions are reminded that they must have security policies and procedures in place (clause 4.7 of the Funding Agreement) and advise NHMRC of any cyber security incident or data breach where the incident involves NHMRC-funded research activities or management of research activities (clause 4.8).
Types of incidents to be reported are provided in the Data Spill Management Guide of the Information Security Manual from the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
NHMRC must be advised of the incident or data breach, by emailing ITSA@nhmrc.gov.au.
National Digital Research Infrastructure (NDRI) investment plan consultation survey
The recently published NDRI Strategy emphasised the importance of a strong NDRI ecosystem to support Australian researchers in delivering world-class research and innovation. NDRI refers to digital tools and services utilised by research institutions and researchers that are collectively managed and operated nationwide.
The NDRI investment plan is currently being developed by the Department of Education and NDRI Working Group to deliver the NDRI strategy.
As part of the next consultation phase, the Department is now seeking input on questions arising from targeted discussions. All stakeholders are invited to provide their feedback through the NDRI IP consultation survey.
The survey will close on Thursday 24 October 2024 17:00 AEDT.
A preview can be accessed on the Department’s website.
For further information please contact researchinfrastructure@education.gov.au.
MRFF scientific progress reporting
MRFF grantees are reminded that progress and final reporting templates are available on NHMRC’s website and these reports are required to be submitted to mrff.postaward@nhmrc.gov.au.
Annual progress reports were due 30 September, and biannual reports are due on 30 September and 30 March each year of your grant. Due dates for reports can be found in Sapphire.
Please ensure these reports are submitted in Word as per the instructions in the new template.
As the questions in the Sapphire report template are different to the questions required for MRFF reporting, for any MRFF reports completed in Sapphire you are required to resubmit on the correct template via email.
Outstanding reports may have impact on future grant payments, or consequential action taken as per the MRFF Funding Agreement.
Medical Research Future Fund - grant opportunities key dates
The following MRFF grant opportunities have minimum data due dates approaching:
- 2024 Infertility, Pregnancy Loss and Menopause Grant Opportunity (GO7056)Minimum data due on 9 October 2024 at 17:00 AEDT
o Minimum data due on 9 October 2024 at 17:00 AEDT
o Applications close on 6 November 2024 at 17:00 AEDT.
o Minimum data due on 9 October 2024 at 17:00 AEDT
o Applications close on 6 November 2024 at 17:00 AEDT.
o Minimum data due on 9 October 2024 at 17:00 AEDT
o Applications close on 6 November 2024 at 17:00 AEDT.
Details on how to apply for MRFF grant opportunities and all MRFF close dates are available on GrantConnect. Applicants are reminded that only applicants who completed minimum data by the due date can submit an application. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to ensure they meet all eligibility requirements, including limits on the number of times a person can be named as a Chief Investigator on applications submitted to a grant opportunity.
Applicants should ensure:
- their Sapphire account is active or access to Sapphire has been requested,
- their organisation is an approved MRFF Eligible Organisation before the close date, and
- any intended participating institutions are listed in Sapphire or request that a new participating institution be added by emailing help@nhmrc.gov.au, including the institution's website address (URL) and ABN (if applicable).
MRFF grant assessment committee self-nomination
Register your interest to become a member of a MRFF grant assessment committee.