Welcome to Tracker, NHMRC’s fortnightly newsletter with the latest information on major activities and funding opportunities.

Recognising translational research into improved clinical care
On Wednesday 11 September 2024, NHMRC announced that the Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre has been accredited for the first time as a Research Translation Centre. The accreditation joins the existing 11 nationally recognised centres. Of the 12 Centres in Australia, 5 focus on regional, rural, or remote areas, and 7 have a metropolitan or state-wide focus. The accreditation is valid until 2027.
NHMRC-accredited centres are collaborations between healthcare organisations, research institutions, and education/training bodies. They work to turn health and medical research into practical applications in clinical practice, policy, and health systems.
NHMRC also recognises 2 emerging Research Translation Centres – Tasmanian Collaboration for Health Improvement and WA Rural Research and Innovation Alliance. Emerging centres show potential to achieve accreditation in future and are members of the Australian Health Research Alliance.
For further information, please visit our statement on NHMRC’s website.
Policy on MRFF and NHMRC funding outcomes released under media embargo
The Department of Health and Aged Care and the NHMRC have published a joint policy on MRFF and NHMRC funding outcomes released under media embargo.
This joint policy applies to all outcomes for MRFF applications (administered by both Business Grants Hub and NHMRC) and NHMRC applications (MREA).
Both applicants and administering institutions or organisations are strongly encouraged to read the policy to understand their respective responsibilities.
This policy serves as an essential reference for all current and future MRFF and NHMRC funding outcomes, providing comprehensive guidance on media embargo protocols.
The policy is available on NHMRC's website.
MREA grants final report
In consultation with NHMRC committees and RAOs. NHMRC has revised the questions in its Final Report for MREA grants to obtain better visibility of the supported personnel and research outputs, outcomes and impacts generated from NHMRC-funded grants.
The new template will be released in Sapphire from Thursday 31 October 2024.
Read the Final Report for MREA grants on our website for more details on the report template and transition arrangements.
NHMRC approved third party guidelines
On Thursday 18 April 2024, NHMRC’s CEO approved the recommendations of the following guideline under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.
The 2024 Australian Evidence-based Guideline for unexplained infertility: ADAPTE process from the ESHRE Evidence-based Guideline on unexplained infertility developed by the Centre for Research Excellence in Women’s Health in reproductive Life (CRE in WHiRL). The guideline makes recommendations on diagnostic tests and treatments, including expectant management and active treatment, for unexplained infertility.
Reminder: NHMRC-EU collaborative research grant scheme 2024
In July 2024, the European Commission (EC) notified the leads of collaborative projects that were favourably evaluated for funding through the Horizon Europe EC peer review process. RAOs and applicants are reminded that favourably evaluated projects involving Australian researchers based in Australia may be eligible for NHMRC support.
To apply for funding, project CIAs are required to submit an application in Sapphire on Wednesday 16 October 2024 by 17:00 AEDT.
RAO’s must contact NHMRC at international@nhmrc.gov.au with the name and email address of the eligible CIA as soon as possible. NHMRC will then provide access to the application form.
Reminder: Speaking of Science – SOLVEing coronary heart disease with Professor Julie Redfern
Join us as we host distinguished researcher and advocate for effective secondary prevention of heart disease, Professor Julie Redfern (Director of the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare at Bond University) for our Speaking of Science webinar series.
In this webinar, Professor Redfern will discuss the impactful research she leads as Chief Investigator of the SOLVE-CHD NHMRC Synergy Grant that is aiming to solve the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease.
Join us for this free webinar this Thursday 26 September 2024 from 11:00AM to 12:00PM AEST. Register on Eventbrite here.
Public consultation: Draft National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People
The Australian Government has developed a Draft National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (Autism Health Roadmap) through co-design and engagement with autistic people, families and carers, health experts and sector representatives.
The Autism Health Roadmap aims to address the breadth of health inequities faced by autistic people in the Australian healthcare system. It will outline actions to improve the physical and mental health of Australia’s growing autistic population.
Feedback on the draft roadmap will be accepted until Friday 27 September 2024 at 11:59PM AEST.
More information can be found on the Department’s public consultation page.
Consultations on artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in health and medical research and healthcare settings. The Australian Government has committed to developing a regulatory environment that builds community trust and promotes AI adoption.
There are 3 open consultations about regulation for AI in Australia, for which members of the health and medical research sector may wish to provide input:
- The Department of Industry, Science and Resources is consulting on - Introducing mandatory guardrails for AI in high-risk settings - open until Friday 4 October 2024
- The TGA is consulting on - Clarifying and strengthening the regulation of Artificial Intelligence - open until Sunday 13 October 2024
- The Department of Health and Aged Care is consulting on - Safe and Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Health Care – Legislation and Regulation Review - open until Monday 14 October 2024.
Applicant webinar - 2024 NHMRC-CIHR CCNA: Indigenous Health Research
Prospective applicants for the NHMRC-Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA): Indigenous Health Research grant opportunity are invited to register for the applicant webinar to review the requirements of this funding opportunity.
The webinar will be hosted by CIHR on Wednesday 25 September between 9:30am – 11:30am AEST. The last 30 minutes of this webinar will focus on answering questions about the international Australia-Canada Indigenous Health Research funding pool.
A Partner Linkage Tool was created to facilitate connections between researchers as well as with knowledge users, including persons with lived and living experience and decision makers.
For further information, please contact international@nhmrc.gov.au.
OCHRe website is live
NHMRC is committed to building and strengthening the capacity and capability amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers, this includes providing funding for a National Network known as OCHRe (Our Collaborations in Health Research).
The new OCHRe website has officially been launched. It includes comprehensive information about OCHRe and their initiatives, resources, and latest news.
The OCHRe website is a valuable resource for researchers, community and collaborators to support establishing a culturally secure and inclusive network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers to foster improvements in the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples.
Key NHMRC grant program dates
Please see the Funding schemes and calendar page.
Medical Research Future Fund – grant opportunities key dates
The following MRFF grant opportunities have opened for applications:
o Minimum data due on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 17:00 AEDT
o Applications close on Wednesday 2 April 2025 at 17:00 AEDT.
Details on how to apply for MRFF grant opportunities and all MRFF close dates are available on GrantConnect. Applicants are reminded that only applicants who completed minimum data by the due date can submit an application. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to ensure they meet all eligibility requirements, including limits on the number of times a person can be named as a Chief Investigator on applications submitted to a grant opportunity.
Applicants should ensure:
- their Sapphire account is active or access to Sapphire has been requested,
- their organisation is an approved MRFF Eligible Organisation before the close date, and
- any intended participating institutions are listed in Sapphire or request that a new participating institution be added by emailing help@nhmrc.gov.au, including the institution's website address (URL) and ABN (if applicable).
MRFF grant assessment committee self-nomination
Register your interest to become a member of a MRFF grant assessment committee.
HMRO seminar: "A start-up in lock-down" with Associate Professor Jack Richards
The Health and Medical Research Office (HMRO) will host a seminar on Thursday 24 October 2024 at 11:00AM -11:45AM AEDT and will be joined by Associate Professor Jack Richards.
In this session, Associate Professor Richards will provide an outline of some activities and challenges that have faced his Australian medtech start-up and getting products to market.
The webinar will be facilitated on Teams.
See previous editions of Tracker.
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