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19 September 2024
Policy on MRFF and NHMRC funding outcomes released under media embargo published
The Department of Health and Aged Care and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have published a joint policy on MRFF and NHMRC funding outcomes released under media embargo.
This joint policy applies to all outcomes for MRFF applications (administered by both Business Grants Hub and NHMRC) and NHMRC applications (MREA), and outlines:
- what is a media embargo
- why media embargoes matter
- media embargo conditions for successful and unsuccessful applicants
- when applicants may share outcomes publicly
- what happens if an institution, organisation or staff member breaches a media embargo.
The policy is available on the Department's website and NHMRC's website.
Current and future MRFF and NHMRC applicants, administering institutions and administering organisations should read this policy to understand their responsibilities.