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RAO Alert - NHMRC public consultation – Assessment of research impact, updated score descriptors, and Investigator Grants Emerging Leadership Category eligibility
NHMRC public consultation – Assessment of research impact, updated score descriptors, and Investigator Grants Emerging Leadership Category eligibility
Submissions are now open for the NHMRC public consultation on proposed updates to the assessment of research impact and all criteria score descriptors (Investigator and Synergy Grant schemes), and for removing the 10-year post-PhD eligibility threshold for Emerging Leadership Category applicants (Investigator Grant scheme).
Respondents are encouraged to share their views with us by completing a submission on NHMRC’s Consultation Hub here:
Public Consultation on proposed updates to the Investigator and Synergy Grant assessment framework
The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 17:00 AEDT.