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MRFF Traumatic Brain Injury Mission - 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Opportunity (GO ID: GO6322)
The Traumatic Brain Injury Mission will provide $50 million over 10 years under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to support research designed to improve the lives of all Australians who experience a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
The objective of the 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Opportunity is to provide grants of financial assistance to support medical research and medical innovation projects that:
- Stream 1 (Targeted Call for Research): improve care for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury by optimising informatics approaches that gather nationally representative data.
- Stream 2 (Targeted Call for Research): conduct implementation research to support effective national adoption and best-practice use of clinical guidelines and protocols for moderate to severe TBI, including assessing and addressing barriers to implementation and inequalities among:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- rural, regional and remote populations
- culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
The intended outcome of the research funded by this grant opportunity is to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians by:
- Stream 1 (Targeted Call for Research): developing personalised care for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury in all care settings that is facilitated by evidence and information.
- Stream 2 (Targeted Call for Research): helping to ensure that patients consistently receive best-practice treatment and care for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.
This grant opportunity is being administered by NHMRC on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
Further information on MRFF is available from the Department of Health and Aged Care.